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2002 Tiara Open A/C Strainer location

Discussion in 'Tiara Yacht' started by Kevin F, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Kevin F

    Kevin F New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
    Long Island
    Hi All I recently purchased a 2002 38 Open and as I was going through the different systems I found the raw water strainer for the A/C and pump are located directly under the stbd engine attached to the outboard side of the stringer. I have yet to find a way to get to the strainer? Any input would be greatly appreciated, I am thinking of having the strainer moved aft of the engine to allow easy access for maintenance but not sure of any implications as to my understanding the A/C pump is non priming. Also found that the aft bilge pump is back feeding water from the thru hull which is located under the bump out wrap around from the swim platform, this only occurs when I am up on plane running above 17-18 kts, I found some posts that indicated this was a somewhat common occurrence and Tiara had issued a tech bulletin in 2005, I contacted Tiara regarding this issue and they are going to get back to me. I have installed a check valve as a temporary fix and plan on having the through hull relocated to above the bump out during the winter, again any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Kevin F
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    There has to be a way to reach the a/c strainer. Yes you can move it, but just make sure the hoses still make an uphill run from the seacock to the a/c pump. A check valve should be ok for the bilge pump. Just make sure to monitor it from time to time. I find the jabsco check valves to be good.
  3. Kevin F

    Kevin F New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
    Long Island
    . "Yes you can move it, but just make sure the hoses still make an uphill run from the seacock to the a/c pump."
    So the only consideration when moving the raw water strainer is that the seacock stays "lower" than the strainer? I will probably leave the a/c pump where it is.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    The hose from the sea cock to the strainer and then to the pump inlet should always be going up with no high point or you will have to reprime the pump every time you clean the strainer

    Strainers are maintenance items and need to be accessible. What was Tiara thinking ...

    Next time you haul out replace the standard thru hull Slotted scoop with a mesh wedge aka southbay strainer. No more strainer cleaning. Works great for AC and water makers.

    As to the bilge pump, let me say this again. What was Tiara thinking!! It’s not rocket science. All you need is a loop at least 12” above the thru hull I don’t like check valves...

    I don’t know why reputable builders screw up system install. I was on a newish 58 Tiara last year and after 10’ in the ER i lost track of the stupid mistakes they made...
  5. Kevin F

    Kevin F New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
    Long Island
    Thanks for your reply, again having a little trouble with the uphill/downhill aspect of relocating the strainer, in my mind if it is an uphill run wouldnt once you open and clean strainer the raw water would drain to the sea requiring re priming?? ( just my not really understanding the plumbing aspect of it) The south bay strainer is a great idea also. There is a loop upwards from the thru hull for the bilge pump of about 8-10" still the backfill issue, while I did install the check valve it is only a temporary fix as I plan to have the thru hull relocated above the bumpout during winter haulout . thanks again
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes, when you open the strainer water runs back down. But you want the hose run from the seacock to the strainer and then strainer to the a/c pump to all go slightly uphill, so once you re-open the seacock the water naturally flows uphill all of the way to the a/c pump, pushing the air out of the line. Otherwise you have to break open a line to allow the air to escape and it's a major pain in the rear. I just went through this on one boat and you have to take the hose off of the a/c pump discharge, turn the pump on, then try to get the hose back on while water is spraying everywhere.
  7. bobhorn

    bobhorn Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    Kemah, TX
    A/C pump needs to be mounted below the waterline, they are not self-priming.
  8. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Problem is that if you have a high point on the suction side of the pump, an air bubble will get trapped and the pump will not reprime. It can be as simple as the hose having to go Over a stringer and then dip back down to the pump.

    Sometimes you can just move the pump before the stringer but that could mean making a bracket