RPM ,temp , oil, fuel, not working when I turn switch on Port side, Starburn side is good, turn switch to on position everything good on that side. It do the same on upper and lower driving positions. What should I look for if it is not working on both upper and lower helm
Look for a breaker box under the dash on the upper and lower stations. Also, look in the engine room. I’ve bumped against breakers while working on other things and have had the same issue. If you find a breaker for port side insturements and it’s on, Flip it off and on again. I honestly haven’t seen just one side on one breaker, their usually all together but...start with the stupid things first. Then it’s off to the power supply to the gauges. Look for a lose ground or positive wire feeding them. Good luck!
I have tiny little "pop" fuses at the helm...one for port and one for starboard. For several years I actually thought they were snaps. That is until I had a short on one side and the exact same thing happened. Look around on your panels..they can put them anywhere. What kind of boat?