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The Shipyard @ YachtForums...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by YachtForums, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I put The Shipyard on hold some time ago after reconsidering the direction we were going. When I began reaching out to brokers, I realized I didn't have the resources to work with them.

    Every major forum in every transportation sector has a vibrant classified listing section. In boating forums, the classifieds at OSO, S&F, THT and others have as many, if not more listings than any of the stand-alone classified systems on the internet. It has put such a hurting on Trader Publications that they have started advertising on television to get new business.

    Maybe The Shipyard would be better suited for individuals to sell their own boats? I'd like to offer this as a service where owners supply images and information on their boats, then we would process, edit and upload the listing, optimizing everything for proper indexing.

    Does this sound like the right direction?
  2. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    Excellent idea, Would you have different categories for motor yachts, sail vessels & lets say boats under 40 ft? What would the fee structure be for listing a vessel on the site? I have two clients vessels for sale at the moment and I'm not getting the coverage advertising wise through the normal channels of the Trader publications, Craigslist or Let Go. I'd look forward to a dedicated alternative site for listings to buy and sell.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    It will do better in that regard if you allow (while moderating) posts in the threads. Discussion benefits. Questions will be asked and people who know the boats will speak up and say positive things as well.

    I think one forum with each boat having it's own thread is fine. Don't need multiple forums unless a lot more postings than imagined. Now, I'd allow brokers to post as well.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    In Sweden we have a few websites where individuals (and some brokers) are advertising their boats. I checked the most used one and today it had 18.248 ads, all paid for two months exposure. Take this global and it might be a bit too much to process...?
  5. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I think that anyone looking for a boat, will search yacht world first where nearly every broker listed boat will be visible. Even with YF massive traffic and search engine position, is there really an incentive for brokers to list boats in the shipyard?

    On the other hand, owners wanting to sell their boats or to increase the exposure of their listed boats would probably be interested in listing in the shipyard for a small fee. That small fee could even be waved for YF members with a certain number of posts as a reward for their contributions. You could also include a random classified in the ads displayed on the pages.

    I think it should be pretty mich self serve otherwise the work load to process the rquests and post them will be pretty heavy.
  6. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    I personally believe that YATCO has supplanted Yacht World as the go to data base for selling and buying yachts. YATCO has recently completed their second round of raising capital and are aggressively positioning themselves to lead this on-line market but there's always room for a different business model for competition.

    I have two clients tenders for sale at the moment and have them listed the traditional way through south FL publications in print and on line but in the past I've had the opportunity to sell a clients Current yacht after they've had a bad experience with traditional brokerage. Many Captains have been in the position of being able to sell their owners yachts also through the years but had no vehicle to advertise to the masses. Not being a licensed broker in the state of FL. I cant advertise a yacht for sale on the Buc Net nor any other brokers listing service.

    But many owners would very much like an alternative to list and sell vessels without the brokerage involvement. I would think that local Attorneys like Moore & Co. Maas Maas and Alley would be interested in this revenue stream for closings and it wouldn't pose a threat to their traditional business with the brokerage houses.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Great feedback guys. Thank you! Addressing some questions...

    1. I don't think the number of listings will be overwhelming but if we have more than expected, that's a good problem to have. :)

    2. I have no idea what to charge, but our senior members wouldn't pay a dime.

    3. Brokerage listings are always welcome.

    4. My immediate concern is setting a minimum size & type of craft because this will effect the readers we attract.

    5. To maximize indexing potential and create the best presentation, it will be best for the listings to be uploaded and edited in-house. The control panel interface might prove daunting for some users. I'll need to hire someone for data entry, which is easier than fielding questions and walking folks thru the upload process.

    6. In addition to The Shipyard, I set up dedicated classified forums for every brand. These forums are automatically updated with any changes to the Shipyard listing. To me, it makes browsing listings easier because the listings are also contained within the actual forums too.

    Again, thanks for the feedback. Please keep the comments coming!!!
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Outside of the Boat Trader, has anyone come across a website for owners to list and sell big boats?
  9. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Some of the brand specific Owner's Forums have active "boats for sale" areas. Brokers are not allowed but owners may list their own boat. Many owners choose to use that venue to describe their boat, add a few "teaser" photos and then link their broker's YW specs. Some owners have their own web page that they have built to market their boat and they link that.