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1989 Viking 35 Convertible

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by steveg_nh, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Does not hurt the boot stripe either.

    Oh, if you live aboard like we do, the fumes may be a bit harsh. Open a port light and close da door.
  3. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thanks. Looking forward to trying it.

    So keeping all my questions in one place, :), what are you guys doing for rocket launchers on these boats, to hold rods? The flybridge enclosure is on the outside of the frame/rails, so I can't just clamp onto it behind the helm seats, without cutting the enclosure, which I'd prefer not to do.

  4. ReelPlumber

    ReelPlumber Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Fort Pierce
    I had a similar problem with my holding tank smell. I found that when the pump was pumping the waste to the tank the tank was flexing and leaking around the old sending unit. The tank full light wasn't working and I really wanted a gauge that would tell me the levels. I had a pump out done and measured the depth of the tank and ordered one of the ultrasonic sensors and a gauge. Now I know what the level of the tank is and can arrange for a pump out before it get full.
    Clearing the vent line and sealing the new sender unit in good got rid of our smell. 2 years now and all is good.
  5. ReelPlumber

    ReelPlumber Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Fort Pierce
    A picture of your set up may help with getting ideas. There is a guy on the THT forum (PalmetoTrooper) that can make any type of rod holder you want and is very reasonably priced.
  6. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thanks for the rod holder tip. I’ll get some
    Pics tomorrow.

    On the holding tank I’m pretty sure I have a clogged vent. Toilet wouldn’t suck down today and when it did it was very slow and I had bubbles coming up. I blasted water into the vent on the starboard side of the hull but it didn’t seem to make a difference.

    Then I tried to get the waste cap off and it is so darn tight I broke two cap keys. Not sure if it’s a vacuum making it that right or the Hulk tightened the last time it was pumped out. I need to check out the tank too.
  7. ReelPlumber

    ReelPlumber Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Fort Pierce
    There won't be any vacuum on that side of the system. It sounds like the diaphragm/bellow on the pump is broken or the duck bill check valves are not holding if no vacuum is being created. I am not sure what system you have but the pictures below should give you an idea of what to look for. A damaged bellow will also leak waste into the bilge creating your odor.
    Vacuum_toilet_system.jpg Vacuum Bellow.jpg
  8. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thank you, this is very good info! I was on the boat this morning, poking around, and was stumped trying to get access to the holding tank. Looking at my schematic of the boat, the holding tank is on the center line, next to the hot water heater, just behind the mid bilge pump. I can't get at it. What am I missing? There's a bulkhead forward of the generator, a bulkhead aft of the mid bilge pump, and bulkheads on both sides. Seems the holding tank is low in the boat too, likely right in the V. There has to be a way to get at it, if you ever needed to change hoses, sensors, etc. Any tips on that one? I also can't see the vaccum pump either. Of course I forgot to get a pic of the head. There's an access plate under the toilet though, that's part of it. I wonder if pulling that gets me access to the pump, and so I can check for leaks...

    For the life of me too, I still can't get the deck waste cap off. It's so flipping tight. My friend had a tool for the caps that was adjustable and about 6" long. I figured I could get some leverage. It's made of brass, and it just bent. The prongs are just popping out of the cap now. I'm thinking I may have to fabricate something using a breaker bar or something to get it out. Why it's so tight, I have no idea.
  9. ReelPlumber

    ReelPlumber Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Fort Pierce
    Sounds like the cap is corroded to the housing. Spray some penetration oil and let it set overnight.

    If you can post a pic of your toilet I will help in your research.

    There may be some hidden access panels under the vanity cabinet to access the pump if your pump is separate from the toilet and not one unit.
    On my 43 the vanity cabinet shelf box comes out and I can access the plumbing and electrical and other hoses and through holes once it is out. I think there were 9 to 12 screws around the edge of the shelf box to get it out in one piece.

    Attached Files:

  10. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thanks. I had a buddy go in and take some pics of the head, hoping they would help. I'm a bit disgusted of the close ups, as the thing looks filthy. That's not from us! :) I will be cleaning that very well when I get back there in the next day or two.

    Anyway, here's some pics of the head unit. The pic with the red hose is the back of it, and that red hose goes to the salt water pickup/seakcock.

    Do these help with determining what I need to dig into to? If I recall correctly from the paperwork (it's in the boat), it's a Raritan head.

    Attached Files:

  11. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    You can get rebuild kits from Raritan for these heads, if that is the problem.
    You can also remove the bowl, pack it up, send it to Raritan and they will rebuild it for you.
    ( at least they used to provide that service. )
    Pretty easy to D.I.Y. tho.
  12. ReelPlumber

    ReelPlumber Member

    Jun 14, 2015
    Fort Pierce
    In looking at this unit I do not think you have a vacuum system. It appears that your system grinds up the solids and pumps them to a holding tank. I cannot tell if there is a second pump for overboard discharge or if there is an actual pump out tube from the deck. Do you know if the pump is actually kicking on when flushed? There may be a safety switch the wont allow the pump to come on if the tank is full. Here is some info I found online.

    Attached Files:

  13. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thank you. There is a pump in the head and a separate macerator pump for overboard discharge from the holding tank. You can also pump directly overboard with just the head pump. I think it’s called the classic or something. And I believe you are correct. Not a vac system. Just pumps and sucks it down. Which isn’t happening. I looked at he raritan website to identify it and then found some YouTube videos. Just not 100% sure what the issue is. Still can’t figure out how to get access to the holding tank though. I’ll have to check the vanity access
  14. justold

    justold Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    new jersey , fla
    The holding tank is behind the steps and is accessed through the hatch in the galley . The hoses are a real bear to replace but can be done . A friend did his and converted it to fresh water flush .Be sure the overboard valve is kept closed , because there is a joker valve in the OE pump that does not always hold and it will fill the tank in short order.And for what it is worth the head exhaust fan is located behind the sofa !!
  15. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    I looked for the holding tank in the galley hatch. No way to get to it. I can get some pictures. It seems to be lower than the subfloor in the galley storage compartment.

    And the overboard valve is absolutely closed. :)

    On the head exhaust fan, I found an access panel behind the sofa Sunday. I found my freshwater fill hose, and two vent lines, and I did see a blower. Assumed it was engine compartment blower. That's for the head?
  16. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    FWIW, Raritan has a tech service you can call to help you with their products. I have found the m to be helpful in the past.
    Or you can try raritaneng dot com.
  17. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    When the motor and pump are looking sad, I order a whole base from Depco Pump. Everything but the ceramic bowl comes in (any voltage needed) like brand new.
    My 40 year old Bertram still uses the original 32Vdc crown heads. I'm glad to have found the house sized bowels.

    I also work on Galley Made head systems. In their day I'm sure they were high tech. I would recommend a upgrade (even to the old Crown) before spending a dime in this direction.
  18. steveg_nh

    steveg_nh Member

    Mar 20, 2018
    I made some really good progress this weekend, finally. First I located the top of the holding tank and the related hoses. No signs of anything bulging or leaking. There is a wire on top that is taped off, not sure what that is.

    hold tank wire.jpg

    But this let me trace my vent line to the port side forward of midship. I thought for sure it was one of the vents on the starboard side. But nope! I don't know how I missed this before. Anyway, yes the vent was clogged, and my goodness when I unclogged it at the vent, it sprayed liquid and sounded like a soda can being opened. And the foul smell, ugh it was just terrible.

    This has solved the head not flushing problem. No vent was created too much pressure to suck it down. I also checked all around the head and took all the covers off. No signs of anything leaking there. So I'm in better shape.

    I do have two follow up questions though -

    1. On the side of the crown head, there is a small tank for a deodorizer liquid, which I assume is added with each flush. The owners manual mentions it but doesn't specify what to use in there. Any ideas?

    2. I still cannot get the waste deck plate cover off. I'm just going to pull it and put a new one in, which leads to the question. Is it just a straight 1.5" hose deck plate? Not angled or 2"? I couldn't figure out yet how to get access to that fitting inside the hull to pull the hose. It's right behind the TV entertainment unit, but I see no access panel in the cabinets over the dinette or behind the TV, unless I missed it.
