Any recommendations on where to go to for stainless lettering. Might consider lighted but probably not. Prices I got at the palm beach show were $1200 s letter. Wow! I guess I could think of a really short name! LOL.
Track down a company in your area that has a water jet cutting service. Look in the indystrial world. They can cut some nice polished Stainless steel for you.
Good suggestion by MBevins. When I think about the prices charged in the Yacht Sign business, it reminds me of a word describing a service to solve a problem that wouldn't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service. What a racket!
I agree. Even in our neck of the woods, anything attached to boating the costs goes outa sight. Priced an aluminum hardtop for our vessel from a well know US supplier. 17000.00 plus tax. A local fabricator in my area after looking at the cad drawing felt he could provide a superior product at about a third of the price with extras like leds. A couple of weeks ago I dropped by to get a couple of stainless kick plates. Got 2 good size mirror plates for 10.00. Out of their scrap bin.. and they sheared to size.
For what it's worth, we had a terrific experience last year with Lighthouse Signs in Westbrook, CT who ordered and installed our letters and I found their pricing to be very fair. They do signs of all kinds and refreshingly don't gouge the boaters that use them which I suspect is why they are the go-to operation for the major boat yard they are near. They outsourced our brushed stainless steel letters and while I don't know the exact numbers off-hand, I do recall that our 10", 3/8" thick letters were only a few hundred dollars a piece. It's a family run business and if they can't help you directly I would suspect they could point you in the right direction.
They outsourced to a water jet cutting facility, actually if you're saying a few hundred per letter that's a pretty good markup on his end.
I can think of many things worth spending money on before SS letters . Sea bobs, electric foil boards and other toys ... Vinyl is cheap and good enough on the stern. On the sides, i once used metallic silver vinyl applied on black lexan which I cut to follow the name outline. Came out pretty good...
Advanced Waterjet is near Lester's. They also can do the design in CAD for you. PM me if you need a contact there.