Hi All, Just joined the site a week or so ago and pretty much read all the threads I could find on the Viking 35. Seems like it's a well liked boat overall which is good. I am in the purchase process of a 35 with Crusader 350hp motors in it (gas works fine for my use and cruising area/style). I have the survey this coming Wednesday, and the sea trial a couple of weeks later once we can get it launched. Prior to this Viking, I had a couple of Tiara expresses under agreement, but the hull surveys discovered both boats in terrible condition in terms of water content and delamination. From reading online, I knew Tiaras suffered from this if they did not have known manufacturing issues fixed by the owners that had them. Disappointing, but I think it all worked out, the layout of the convertible works much better for my family and provides a great fishing platform. Can anyone share any advice or feedback on specific areas on these hulls to watch out for? I'm so worried to find water issues again in the hull or deck, although from all I've read, Viking seems to not have too many common themes/issues to worry about. This boat has been exceptionally well cared for, so hopefully it all goes smooth. Any tips or advice are appreciated. Thank you
I had a 35 Viking w Crusaders. Overall was a very good boat with no significant issues that I can recall. I was not fond of the generator in the cockpit, but it made the interior of the boat a lot quieter. I believe later years the generator was moved to the Engine compartment under the salon. My cockpit and hull sides were cored. I did not have any coring issues. Overall the boat was a tank. Slightly wet and subject to pounding in some conditions, but very stable at drift and anchor.
Thanks. The generator is under the salon in the engine room. Hopefully the survey goes well. I did read about some pounding due to the shallow deadrise vs a deeper V, but the stable platform when fishing and at anchor will be very much appreciated by my wife.
yes, the 35 Viking is far more stable at drift and anchor than other similar sized Convertibles with much more Deadrise. you wont be unhappy with the 35 Viking.
yes, agree to all, the 35 Viking is a very capable sea worthy platform. I beat the living daylights out of mine fishing off shore and travelling. it always got me home safe and sound.
Update. Land survey was a success. Boat in great shape. Top deck and transom bone dry. Hull sides in a couple of spots registered high moisture on moisture meter but soundings were contrary in results. Sounded solid and no evidence of weakness or delamination. Surveyors opinion is anomaly, possible epoxy void, or moisture without structural issues at this point. He was not concerned and is rating boat strutural integrity as “no issues” (stringers all good) and overall boat as above average. Thoughts?
I should have added too, it does have a single 315 gallon fiberglass gas tank. No signs of any issues. But I thought I read about concerns with fiberglass tanks and ethanol fuel. I need to read up on it, but any input on that? Thanks
Congratulations. In my experience, a good surveyor or 'glass guy, ( which it sounds like you had ) takes all the data at hand along with overall condition in the questionable areas, like fittings, crazing, trim, stains etc and with his experience he can tell if there really is a problem. Can't go by the moisture meter alone or the soundings alone. Sounds like you found a good one. Good Luck !
Thanks. Yes the boat has no stress cracking anywhere. Surprising actually. Surveyor was impressed. While I wish the meter didn’t beep he seemed thorough nd went back in when it did ping to look deeper in the bowels of the boat. Raised his head and said “she’s all good.” Also he didn’t seem concerned with the fiberglass tank. The boat is an 89. Seems the resin issues with fiberglass tanks were only from mid 80s and earlier. I emailed Viking for their opinion. They have been good in helping so far.
Anyone have any performance numbers? I am also looking at a 1977 35 conv. The generator is in the cockpit.
Wish I had that Drew, but honestly, Viking customer support is pretty good. Ping them and ask under the "heritage boats" email on their website. Not sure what they would have back to 1977, but worth asking. As for the fiberglass tanks, I heard from Viking this morning and they have not had one case ever reported, as far back as they have records, of one of their glass tanks having any issues with ethanol, and they even issued a statement that all their tanks are compatible with ethanol, back in that late 2000s I believe. I found it actually, on the web at if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
i had that set up in a 35 Viking. Boat cruised at 18-20 kts easy loaded full of stuff. 22kts is possible when its not full of stuff. top speed was maybe 27 kts 15 kts was 24 GPH 17 KTS was 28 GPH 18 kts i was burning 36 GPH 20 kts was over 40 GPH i could burn 7gph at 7 kts.
OP please be careful with gas engines on a boat this size and make sure you use the blowers long before you fire them up. There is a lot of engine compartment space for fumes to build up. We just had a smaller boat at our marina blow up. It threw two people into the water and the captain and another woman received some nasty burns. In fact a 35 Viking slipped next to the boat that exploded was scorched pretty good. The Viking owner was pretty down as he had just bought it 2 days before and was getting ready to take it on it's maiden voyage. Maybe it's just me but gas engines in large compartments scare me.
I feel bad for the Viking owner. Thanks for the concern though, it doesn't fall on deaf ears. I know all the dangers and take the proper precautions. I also maintain my boats very well, so frequent inspections and sniff tests in the engine compartments will be the norm. It does have a gas fume detector. Never seen one of those before. No idea if they work, but will be worth testing, only as an added measure.