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Enough is enough...

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by CAPT. BRUCE, Feb 18, 2004.

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  1. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale

    I always carry paper charts plus my own GPS, hand bearing compass and chronograph. After being in the delivery business 17 of my 30 years, I have ammassed quite an impressive library of charts and publications at home. However, to get to New York, leave Port Everglades, turn left at the PE bouy and keep land on your left (port). Eventually you will reach New York.

    You are correct about soloing before getting your pilots license. Only aicraft that weight 12,500 pounds or more, or if in the ops spec issued by the FAA, then two pilots are required up front. All of the jets I fly are 12.5<. Citation X is the fast thing in the air today, next to military that is. However, 6 miles a minute @ 41,000 is just fine with me.
  2. JHA

    JHA Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    heh heh heh... and for going to the Med. make your compass read 090 and put the sticks down.
    I've gotta do mach.8@60k ft. before I die.... at least I have plenty of time... I hope.
  3. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale

    Took at Lear 31A to FL530 once. Could see the curvature of the earth from there. Very high!!! Later gator
  4. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    First of all if you want to talk aero go to a aero site not a yacht forum. If you read what the regs state ,"Iron Mike " is not a crewmember. The regs also state that you must maintain a proper plot, electronic ploters do not mean didly. These plots must be done on paper. If you are the only one onboard, stop to take a fix and plot it, who is the lookout?! The guy who goes out fishing is not taking "consideration" (read pay), this is why we as captains must be lisc. We are held to a higher standard. The only reason I posted about this is that there is a lot of new captains who read this forum and we dont need to give them the wrong idea. If you , God forbid have a health problem offshore, who gets on the radio to call for help? If the auto pilot is driving I guess you would go as far north as you could given the fuel range for fuel on hand. The list of what ifs could fill many pages.As for your remarks about age of vessel and myself you couldnt be further from reality!
  5. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic

    The definition as stated in the nav rules for "not under command" is as follows. A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by these Rules and is therfore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.I dont know but to me a trip to the head or the engine room doesn't sound exceptional.
  6. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Port St. Lucie

    Yeah, there is a town without a pulse. Blah Blah Blah. Look, if I am on delivery solo, I am not carrying passengers for hire. The vessel is uninspected, non-commerical vessel so most of those regs are uneccessary and don't apply. Remember, you do not need a license to deliver yachts. As a matter of fact, we had a CG boarding during seatrial and the Nautical Nazis asked me for my license. I informed them that I was not carrying passengers for hire, just crew required for the mission at hand and they went the other way. As far as aero and nautical, well one just goes lower and slower, the math is all the same, huh? But thank you for your input. My business plan is sound and I am VERY busy.
  7. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    The passengers are not the only reason why you need the lisc. it is because you are recieving pay! Asd I stated in an earlier post its all fine till the stuff hits the fan and you are being brought up in front of a Coast Guard board of inq.I have been on the Cg sid eof mor than a few of them and would not wish my enimie on the other side ,it is brutal
  8. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    Wow I was typing tooo fast !, like airplane speed! that last post looks really badddd!!!!!
  9. Bob Scott

    Bob Scott Guest

    CBKHI, While I agree with some of the stuff that you have to say , and would never want to do solo deleveries myself, GET OVER IT!! I know who aeronuatic is, and with the exception of not knowing when to and not to cat call chicks over the hailer, he is a very solid captain. Go back to your Coast Guard buddies and worry about how easy you guys make it to get licenses, and quit trying to police the good captains that are out there! You guys all worry about the same thing....THE WRONG THING!!
  10. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale

    Actually, haven't seen an operational hailer in some time. And if I do turn one on, it's to test the fog, anchor and aground signals. I would never use it to cat call the mermaids. But Scott, you are right. This is just so much bloviating. If our esteemed retired CG officer's notion is correcrt, then EVERY sportfishing charter boat out there is operating illegally. Ever watch the Fisher Island Ferry? One guy on the bridge, everyone else to other than look out duties. But then there will always by armchair sailors reading from the gospel while I am right now packing my bag and headed for St. Augustine to bring back to NPB a 34 Wellcraft. Adios, marineros.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2004
  11. JHA

    JHA Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Lets face it folks. Everything we're discussing here depends on the situation. Would I go to the head while transiting a busy port without a reliable stand-in? Helllll no. But if I'm 75nm offshore, I'll take a good look around, run my radar out and see if anything's out there, and then make the mad dash while the stewie (read-useless on the bridge) holds the watch. BTW - CBKHI - the best captain I ever worked with was an ex-coastie. He knew his stuff, and was the best teacher I've ever come across. Also had some jokes about how badly the Navy's coastal navigation is - but that's for another time.
    Quick story: I was out fishing with this friend and his old man. We were on a 21' Mako, the coasties decided we were weekend warriors ripe for a boarding party... as the old man pulled out the ammo box that held the flares one of the coasties noticed that he had a license tucked in there. The harrassment started: "oh so you think you're a captain!"... "why don't you hand that license over so I can have a better look".... Well as it turns out the old man holds an unlimited - all oceans license, with pilot endorsement for the waters we were in. You've never seen a coastie salute, and apologize so fast in your life. I found it hysterical.
    Anyway, on a final note of this ramble - use (not so)common sense. The captains who do will have long careers without incident, The one's who dont end up on the wrong side of a coast guard inquiry - and a job behind a desk.
  12. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    The captains who do will have long careers without incident, The one's who dont end up on the wrong side of a coast guard inquiry - and a job behind a desk. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Amen Brother. And by the way, as a veteran of the USCG, there are two definitions for the acronym 1.) Uncle Sam's Confused Group 2.) U're Screwed Coming or Going. What's the difference between the Coast Guard and the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts have adult supervision!!

    No, actually, I had a great career in the (old) Guard (even served on a lightship and it has made me an even better captain. I have forgotten more about boating than most people will learn in a lifetime. "Becket bend: to join two lines of unequal size, the larger of the two being the standing part." Yeah!! still remember them from boot camp in Alameda!!
  13. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    Coastie buddies?!

    Aeronautic1 is the former Coastie , If you really want to know who makes it sooooo easy for people to get a lisc. you must turn the mirror upon yourself. Take a good look at the article in the "Triton", about the first meeting of the "Bridge" April issue. Also if your looking for me Im in there!
  14. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    Aeronautic1 have a safe trip , I am actually on my way to Panama City , Panama. Im preping to enter the canal in the morning. Ahhhh underway and making money , does it get any better?!!!!
  15. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale

    Not going there to pick up a sailing Cat for Lake Ponchatrain are you? I am going to Balboa to pick up a 46 Post next month for Miami.
  16. captbkoch

    captbkoch New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Mid Atlantic
    No actually Im heading south! dmn I miss slingin bouys!
  17. aeronautic1

    aeronautic1 Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Did that too

    Was on the Bouy snatcher Salvia WLB400
  18. JHA

    JHA Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Well CBKHI - you beat me to the "bridge" lunch - I wasn't invited until the second meeting. Keep your eyes peeled.
  19. Bob Scott

    Bob Scott Guest

    JHA, Be careful, they don't seem to like us "young" captains around there! Did you read the article in the Triton that CBKHI referred to? It is not very well written, with several contradictions. There are also a lot of areas that are left unclear, such as the size yachts they are referring to. Big difference between a 100' and a 145'. I would pick it apart in detail but i do not have it here in front of me. Will be happy to do so when I do. In the mean time I think these guys need to look a little deeper into why they are not getting jobs. Pompous? Arrogant? Lazy? Peacocks? Not accusing anyone! Just some random thoughts!
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