There used to be a thread about a company that makes spiral stairs, but I can't seem to find it.....oh well. I picked up my spiral stairs yesterday expecting it to be assembled but it's not, so I'll have to do that myself. Once they're put together and on the boat I'll take a picture to post. Wish me luck
Did you try this:
I removed the thread when the owner of the spiral stairs company registered and posted contact information, completely ignoring our rules regarding promotion which is referenced multiple times in the registration process. The OP on that thread had done enough to promote the company, including links and phone numbers, but when a business takes such opportunities, then we complete remove any reference to their work. It's the price they pay for taking promotional opportunities. YF was developed for owners, captains, engineers and buyers to exchange information free of commercial influence. Not even our advertisers post on YF. Some people may not like this, but it's often the downfall of forums where information is skewed by commercial participation. FYI... we WILL remove any reference to this companies work.
Oh that's what happened to my thread i was looking for it. I will be getting mine real soon as well!! Yes i did know we had to assemble them. But for the price no big deal to me..
nater1977, 1000 islands, do you have any pictures/advice yet. I'm very interested in hearing from you guys. I have a 42' Carver and spiral stairs would look great.... Keep us posted. Bob
I should be posting pics later today, as It's pretty mu h completed. Some of the measurements are wrong, but you'll see
Wait a minute...what model of Carver are we talking about?? I'm interested in a set for my 3807. can someone ballpark the cost for me?
Well I have them on. I need to cut the lower part of the railing, but I'm not 100% sure where yet. As you can see the top step is too narrow to fit the angle of the boat. Mis-measurement on my part. I told the supplier that 2" would be enough, but it's 3.5" short. I will figure out something to remedy the problem, it's no big deal. The railing is not as easy to bend s they say, but by anchoring it to something strong it will bend to your needs....I used the dock..LOL
Completed Spiral Stairs Well after much discussion as to where to cut the railing and where to place the top stair, it's completed all except a plate for the top which should be arriving very soon . I just have to figure out how to clean the rust on the platform and the marks from the previous ladder. Oh yea, I need to install a swim ladder also.
Can i ask where you purchsed spiral ataira. My friend has a 390 Carver and is looking for a supplier. Regards
We are looking to get rid of the ladder on the back of our boat and replace it with Spiral Stairs. We have owned the boat for one season and it has become obvious that although the ladder is fine for us and our kids it's not so great all around. We have a 44' Aft Cabin, a Golden Retriever, Grand Kids, and an elderly mom who loves to come on weekend voyages with us. Getting her and the toddlers on and off outside our home berth is a frightening ordeal (even with the ramp)...After reading through this thread I notice that the moderator doesn't want advertising...I get it...I would greatly appreciate it if some kind soul would email me the company name they used (ermoderator1 at gmail dot com)! We are particularly interested in the company 1000 Islands used! Thanks for the help fellow boaters!
After reading through this thread I notice that the moderator doesn't want advertising...I get it... Nor e-mail addresses. Re-read your agreement that you checked when creating your account. Use private mail (PM) thru the site and protect your e-mail account.