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Sea trial before making an offer?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Glenn Ashmore, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I would take a deep hard look at an 80' Hatteras. You'll have 4 guest staterooms and 2 crew staterooms and a much nicer layout and better handling in the ocean.
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I don't think a sea trial is going to help you... you will
    never encounter real world conditions anyway

    Basically your big question is displacement / hull speed VS planning hull and that s a decision you need to make depending on your use and your goals

    Since you re retired you don't really need the speed as you probably don't have to worry about covering large distance in a shorter time frame.

    The downside less flexibility and less ability to speed things up ahead of weather or a closing weather window. But coming from the bright side you know what it means...

    Upside is usually a better ride when things get messy. Most planning hulls are pretty economical at hull speed although not as economical as a displacement hull. But they wind handle as well. So you trade ride for ability to go fast.

    Not sure what the drafts are but as OB mentioned it maybe important. Anything over 6' closes probably 50% of anchorages, marinas and routes on the East Coast and the Bahamas. Not much impact on the Caribbean

    As to crew, beyond the training phase you need a capable mate who can also handle some maintenance and repairs. While you re on a family trip in the Bahamas, a few water spots or a salty tender won't really affect the fun. A bad water pump, a temperamental watermaker, or reluctant generator will... spending time in the ER while your grand kids are on a nice beach isn't fun.
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    All the boats he mentioned have drafts between 5' 8" and 6' so pretty much in the same ball park.

    As to your statement, "I don't think a sea trial is going to help you... you will never encounter real world conditions anyway", I disagree. If you want to encounter real world conditions you will. To me, a sea trial is a time to check a boat out in calm and in rough conditions and I definitely seek them out. You're right that I may not find 10' seas but on a boat of that sort, I would insist on a trial on a day with at least some roughness to the seas. All our trials have had at least 4' even though for one we had to go to the Gulf Stream to get it.
  4. Glenn Ashmore

    Glenn Ashmore New Member

    May 8, 2016
    Macon, GA
    As a matter of fact I started my search looking at Hatteras but couldn't find any 2010 or newer in my price range. Also the post 2000 models gave up side decks for interior volume. I have a small herd of grandchildren that would be hard to keep contained on the aft deck. ;)

    As Pascal said, I am not in a rush to get anywhere and as a sailor I have a habit of keeping an eye on the weather. Even 12 or 13 knots is better for getting out of the way than I had sailing
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  5. Fiammetta42

    Fiammetta42 Member

    Sep 28, 2017
    Liguria Italy ( boat )
    I think YOU need a “demo trip “ no obligation .
    Reason - just explain your situation. Ie sail boat to mobo and wonder how they ride / noise / comfort etc .
    Say it as it is , be upfront no hidden surprises .
    Offer to reimburse fuel .
    If you come across as a serious buyer and the boats been hanging around costing the owner xyz / month - and the brokers got his commission hat on the right way round - then why refuse YOU .
    You are obviously not a joy rider .

    I did that ask for a trip .
    Specifically my wife was getting fed up with the slamming / pounding ride of our Sunseeker .
    Wind allways seems to get up in the afternoon in the Med .
    So I said -Ok let’s find a boat that’s rides better .
    One day crossing a steep chop / wind that came from nowhere in the bay of Cannes we had to drop off the plane - such was the sea .
    Meanwhile a Riva Rivarama 44 sliced past dead flat as if the sea parted for him .
    Next day we @ Monaco marine Riva dealers in Port Hercule
    On the quay aR44 out of the water .

    Sales guy introduced me to the concept of deadrise

    Yup deep V cuts through parting waves , flat aft sections ride on top and slam - got it -

    Eureka moment .

    Practically we have a 15 M berth and really need 2 cabins ,bigger bathing platform,and bigger cockpit table , aslo wife hates high gloss interiors .
    + young kids sticky fingers = cleaning nightmares.

    So internet search with deadrise @ the top of the agender .
    Up pops Itama 42/48 with a 23 degree deadrise .
    2 cabins , ticked every box .

    Thing is one was in Athens t,other in Naples .Italy here Btw not FL !
    Naples Broker after I discussed the alleged seakeeping and why I was interested ,
    Said come and have a go .
    I did offer to pay for the fuel .- refused .
    So I flew in from the U.K. - got picked up from the airport 1/2 hr from town marina .
    Was a force 5/6 there ,once out of the harbour ,he said take over help yourself.
    So I did in 2 M + waves and a big swell .One of your major property damaging Hurricanes was sweeping through the med at the time -dying down - but stirring up the sea in its wake

    Off we went to Capri
    I asked if I could WOT it - sure being mindful I held it ( 2150 )for 10 mins and the backed off to 1750 .
    Turned in all points of the compass etc etc .

    Thing is I needed to know , see , feel myself if it was all they are supposed to be cracked up about ?
    There’s only so much internet research key board tapping , U tubing you can do .

    I bought the boat .
    It was November and the boat was listed in June .
    Story went the owner had a divorce to marry his secretary who was having his child
    While this was going on the boat was in a hanger for 3 years .
    Then when the toddler was 3 , he had it recommissioned, full MAN service , liferaft etc .
    But with new wife + kid - it’s was not working and he had other money ( tax ) worries - so want it sold .

    Owner gave the broker the say so for me to test the ride .
    Nothing to hide
    Get a bum on a seat - kinda car dealer thinking .

    Put yourself in my shoes
    Trans € for a depo to a foreign broker ?- risky ??
    Boat turns out a lemon re ride / seakeeping—- the very problem I want to fix ?

    Worked the other way I instructed Sunseeker .Fr to sell mine .
    Took em 3 weeks - I said take prospective punters out .
    They surley “ follow there ear “ - can weed out joy riders .Thats not my problem it’s there’s !
    As it happened a German guy flew in ( Cannes ) the 1 st week end. He ask via the broker if he could bring his wife and two teenagers.
    I said yes .btw I refused the offer to cover fuel - thought it petty
    Broker took them out on a Sunday ( earned his commission!)
    Sold it - wham bam slam gone in not quite 60 sec , - in fact 3 weeks empty berth .

    Surley it’s easy to spot a serious buyer .
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    What about the Hatteras 72' Motoryacht? They have side decks, 4 guest staterooms, a very nice crew stateroom in the stern? Late 2000's.
  7. Danvilletim

    Danvilletim Senior Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    isleton, ca
    You could charter. I see an outer reef and ocean Alexander in your size range. If you had it down to two, then you would surely know after a week. And most of these boats would do just a couple days.