Hello everyone, as a charterer we plan to charter a yacht in the south of France (+130 feet) in May but we want to avoid any middleman, do you know an app or website where this is possible ? Thank you !
That's tough at that size range. Any boat that goes direct can be shunned by the brokers. So they do it but very quietly. We did it once via LinkedIn. Find a boat you like and then find the captain.
Not going to happen... especially at that size. Too much $$$ at stake on both sides. There are a number of services that handle "boat sharing" but usually for smaller boats and just day charters where the contract amount is much smaller.
This. The charter broker protects BOTH the owner and the charterer. At that size and dollar amount, both parties want to go through a broker.
Thank you and thank your everybody for your replies, we want to book fast and online if possible, I have a few yacht in mind but all are through agency. Maybe we should look for a smaller boat ? I didn't find any website or app to book online directly and in transparency.
What are you trying to avoid by going thru a broker? The Fee? The hassle? Trying to get a better price by going direct? I would imagine most of the main line charter yachts would shun this approach, most are not set up to do all the contracts and paperwork themselves. With all the online info on yachts these days, the role of the broker is far less important, only a very few actually have the inside knowledge of the boats that you won't find online. Where they do come in handy is the contracts and protection for both sides, if you have an issue with the charter or the vessel you have someone to act as a liaison and take care of the issue.
The charter broker also protects the client. If the yacht is poorly maintained, has poor crew, and the guests have poor experiences, charter brokers will not represent them.
You will always get a better service and a better offer if you deal through a chartering broker. Dealing directly with the yacht owner is not wise and can lead to numerous conflicts. The broker will always protect you and your rights.