First time poster, 23y/0 american male here looking to get a job as a deckhand. I am currently living in New Zealand until March/April 2018. After that I was looking to go off an get my STCW-95/10 ASAP. Maybe a few other certs as well such as Powerboat 1, other recommendations appreciated. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on who to go through. Was looking at Super Yacht Crew Academy in Sydney as I have places to stay there and its close. But would it be cheaper to head out to a country in SE Asia such as Vietnam or Thailand? Should I just head home to the USA and do it? I know they're all on the "White List", but would having a cert from one make you more desirable than another? Seem to be some knowledgeable and experienced people on here who I thought could help! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would do it in a place where the instructors speak your native language. I would think that in Asia it would be difficult. I would do the course where you might learn the most.
Yeah i thought about it, but im heading to australia regardless and have friends place to stay, avoiding paying for a hotel/hostel
Understandable, any other certs you reccomend? Super yacht crew academy offers a "deckhand course" with some packaged together, but it seems a bit pricy ($2000+ AUD not including STCW)
I would look to the future and how you hope to one day be licensed. That means under what jurisdiction and as what crew member. Then I would choose courses with that in mind, those that would contribute toward your goal. I would also look at courses that could distinguish you from other beginning deck hands. Certain a deck hand course might as well as other courses. Look at the course in terms of skills you'd learn that you don't currently have. I just looked at the course you mentioned. I can say that if I had two otherwise equal candidates and one had taken the course and the other had not, I'd hire the one who had. Many say they want to be deck hands but do nothing to qualify themselves. All five areas it teaches could benefit you. It would mean one could hire you and at least know a few basics you'd not have to be taught. They'd also know you'd invested in starting your career as opposed to many who just think they're going to sign on for a vacation.
Do you have enough seatime for a Captains license? STCW and then a Captains license (even the most basic)would be the way I would go. Even if you have no interest in Captaining a yacht, every yacht carries a tender and most of the tenders are 35-45' these days. They'd want you to be licensed to run guests around.