I heard that they will build on contract. That worked for the old Post as a known commodity, but I think for the new Post, they need to build at least one to show they can do it to the same standards?
I have been wondering if they would either sell any of the molds or rent them to allow one to be built...... Would love to have a new one !!!
I realize it takes capital and forum posts aren't capital, but the Post following is almost a cult. With the right investors and PR this brand would have to be a success IMO. But they have to do it right. Build a 50 with 86o's, same quality materials, fit and finish as in the past. Take it around to the shows. Its got to be a hit?
They would happily build you one. Problem is no one wants to be first to see if they can and they will not build on spec. I was a die hard supporter of Worton Creek and was happy they kept the brand alive but even I have lost hope. The money Worton is spending on that salvage Spencer would have gone a long way towards building a new Post.
It's really simple and Worton doesn't have the commitment or perhaps the money to do it. It starts with building a boat or two. You do it speculatively. You prove you can do it. You're asking some customer to gamble on you by ordering a boat and yet you won't gamble on yourself.
Had a 1985 43 post. Great quality boat it was wet in a head sea and pounded. Had the 671TIBS 485HP. Cruised around 23 knots with 570 gal of fuel and 120 gal of water
If 30 Post owners each put 30k to build first New styled 50 ( no risk to Worton Creek) boat sells owners get paid back. Post uses it to sell more boats. Existing owners get benefit of Post being reborn.
I think it's absurd that such ideas are even suggested and that such a contingency of people still want or expect anything from Worton Creek and make such comments as they're waiting for an order. If I wanted to invest in building Post, then I would buy the brand but I'd certainly never fund Worton Creek's building. Someone buys a brand and molds and can't afford to speculatively build a couple of boats, then they don't belong in the business and, essentially, they aren't in the business. I'd also never trust them with building to order since they've never built a boat. That would be a huge gamble and venture into the wide unknown. Post is dead. Has been dead for years. Worton Creek deserves no attention unless one day they actually choose to build some. You want a boat built like an old Post, then there are hundreds of yards that can do it for you if you'll show up with enough money, yards that actually have experience building boats. Now most would prefer to build an updated boat of some sort and could build you a nice SF boat. Post owners seem to look at Worton Creek as the savior of Post. No, they're the death of Post. They bought it and have done nothing with it and show no signs of doing anything. Contrast this with the purchasers of Bertram. They've done what they promised. Not an old boat rebuilt to old standards but a new boat with the heart of the old one. Built in the style.
Nicely worded olderboater! Worton Creek does have new Post T-shirts for sale That's the only new thing they will ever build.
While I really like the 50' Post of SF's from that era and price point. It has a good ride, was fast enough and efficient, but could be a bit wet. It is not worth building one as technology has passed it by. There have been a lot of advances to hull design, to looks, and performance that the current old 50' Post is just too dated at this point to make a go of as a new boat. IMO.
Yes, without doubt the boats need significant updates. You can't successfully build a 1990's styled and equipped boat for the 2020's market. The 50 debuted in 1989. But the name followed up with equal quality of the past has got to give them a leg up. But I also agree, it ain't gonna happen under this owner. Once the name becomes too much of a legacy even that value will be lost.
very interesting article I found while doing some research on Post 42. Answers a lot of questions. https://www.soundingsonline.com/news/talkin-boats-with-john-patnovic-president-post-marine-group