I just replaced my compressor triac Wednesday. In my case however, the AC circuit breaker would turn off the pump. The AC would run fine, but when the thermostat reached its set point, the blower would spool down to low, but the compressor and water pump would continue to run. The ONLY way to shut them off was to turn the AC units circuit breaker off. The compressor triac for my Cruisair was located in the wall mounted electrical box next to the circuit board. The triac looked like this: It had a black wire, a yellow wire and a purple wire running to it. $42.00 from Lamy Marine in Chesapeake, VA.
Thanks so much. Just to be clear, I can shut off the pump by turning of the breaker labeled AC Pump. I hope to have it fixed this week.
A couple more questions. I really appreciate the help. First, where is the fresh water pump located? Where is the hot water tank located? Also, I have chiller plates in a bait freezer located between the engine room door and the fresh water fill location in the cockpit cabinets near the aft window. Where is the thermostat located to adjust these plates? Thank you.
On my 44 SS the freshwater pump is under the center bunk in the quest stateroom. The hot water tank is located under the outboard bunk in the guest stateroom. On my boat there is double bulkhead between the ER and the compartment under the cockpit, the compressor is in that area on the stbd side. The thermostat is on the compressor. To get to mine, I drop down thru the stbd cockpit deck hatch, remove a panel on the bulkhead just forward and the compressor and thermostat is visible and adjustable.
My 46 SS is the same as Capt Fred above as far as freshwater pump and hot water heater. My thermostat for the cockpit freezer was moved by the previous owner and now is mounted on the main elec. panel just inside the salon door and has a digital display of freezer temperature.
I need to check for the fresh water pump. I do know the vacuflush pumps are under the middle stateroom bunk.
I think you need a copy of the owners manual , it is chock full of information . I would think someone could make a copy of it for you . I have a 38SS and the manual is full of all the information you are asking .
You might have two fresh water pumps - AC and DC. On my 53, my AC pumps and water heater are both located in the engine room forward of the engines. Have to look for exact placement of the DC pump. The DC pump has a separate toggle switch in the engine room to activate it. My bait chiller thermostat is located on the starboard bulk head just as you enter the engine room. You can find it if you locate the master unit and trace the wiring. My unit is also water cooled. If you have same, make sure you keep the strainer cleaned. When I purchased my boat, I would put on old clothes and get into the engine room with a good mechanic. Paid him for his time and went through engine and other systems.
Thanks. I found the hot water heater under the master bunk. Still looking for the fresh water pump. As for the manual, I have it. I find it to be generic at best and often wrong at worst. For instance, it says I have an air reservoir in my steering system. That is flat out wrong. But, learning a new boat takes time. My AC guy will be onboard tomorrow to fix the AC pump issue. I sure hope it is just not hard wired to its own breaker. If so, I will want to install some sort of relay so I do not need to turn it on/off each time I leave the boat. That would be an undesireable setup for me. Then on to fixing the steering issue. And then, to figure out the code 273 fault on the port 3406e. Hope that can be done with the engine winterized.
AC water pump fixed. Bad triac and a bad relay. On to the Cat issues and code 723 failure speed sensor 2.
Prior owner identified location of fresh water pump. Under carpet in hatch in master stateroom closet. Go figure.
I am trying to trace some wires on the bridge for the electronics. I can't seem to gain access to the area under starboard side on the bridge despite there being several electronic boxes installed there. I know the port side and center bridge seating forward of the helm lift up. But, what about access to the starboard side. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Do I need to remove the TV in the salon to gain access to wherever the plug/outlet might be that it plugs into?
Hope it is attached. Mod edit: Oversize pic removed. Do you really need a 23 meg, 3200 pixel image to show a switch?