Hi, Now "we" got somewhere. I base on Your temp readings. (Petty, that Your units are not provided with pressure gauges). According to Your info: 1. Temp. "Comp "IN"" toooooo high. 2. Comp. dome temp. 19,5 C. Toooooooo low. 3. Temp before / after condensor: 39 C / 39 C (more, more than strange...). That info is essentional. Please check: Take a "current pliers" (I hope You have it), measure current of compressor (while working), compare to normally working unit. Please post values. Pay attention to sounds of working compressors (faulty unit / working unit). Suspections: 1. Compressor is not compressing. 2. It has nothing to compress. 3. There is a problem with expansion after condensing. (From Your pics I understood, that there is external equilization ?) Pics are not completely clear. If no problem, please try to make again (counter side of condensor, more close to that "unclear" item (solenoid ?/pressostat? /combined swich? /pressure safety?). Please have a look and check, is that possible to connect pressure gauges somewhere ? rgds, Andrei
I had a chance to study the pictures better and I printed out your hand drawing. when I was looking at the 2 togeather I think I figured it out. At least what type of circuit you have. Its a hot gas bypass. where those 2 lines split that is still hot gas from the compressor, one line goes to condensor and the other should go to a electricly activated valve. It could either be used for a defrost cycle or more likley to control the suction pressure or both. over the weekend I'm going to redraw the drawing and change some of the arrows. They are in the wrong direction. once we figure the circuit,we can get a better idea of the problem.
Hi, Looks like, there is a nice by-pass / defrosting / equil. line. 1. Coil is energized or not ? 2. What is the line's temperature after that valve ? Keep in mind, that energized / deenergized coil does not always mean open / closed valve itself. The valve may be stucked. This is additional info to all previous. Keep on searching, Best regards, Andrei