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138' Sterling Yacht "Maverick"

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Lenny, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Lenny

    Lenny Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    Any thoughts, positive or negative, on the 1988, 138' Sterling Motor Yacht, "Maverick"? Thanking you in advance.
  2. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge

    I was aboard Maverick prior to its last refit in 2013 and the boat was in pretty good shape generally but needed the normal cosmetic and systems maintenance for a 25 year old vessel. Nishii Zosen builds a very solid FRP hull and has well laid out systems for this vintage of vessel and the fact that Nishii was , and still is a commercial ship builder that ventured into yacht building in 1983 under the branding of Sterling yachts lends itself well to any of their builds.. They built 5 or 6 yachts from "83 till '88 and all are still in service so that says something about the build quality. I don't know the extent of the 2013 refit aboard Maverick so that's where I would start my inquiries' with the listing broker. From what I gather the mains didn't receive the needed W-6 service schedule of in frame rebuilds and are now a couple thousand hours over so that would be the negative on this vessel. The interior has been updated as always but at the expense of the machinery space (as always). There are a couple of Sterling's for sale locally in South Fl. to compare with systems wise and both have had repowers. Matrix Rose replaced thier Mitsubishi mains with the same newer tier III models last year and Triumphant lady removed their Mitsubishi motors and repowered with Cats a few years back. Sterling launched the 53 meter "Southern Cross" for the late Alan Bond in '87 and a sister ship soon after and this was a milestone for the company and came with great fanfare as it was quite the vessel with its timeless Jon Bannenberg design.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I had the opportunity to tour Triumphant Lady at the 2016 Palm Beach Show. It's been around South Florida forever. Always wanted to see this boat. As CaptHolli said, only a handful were built by Sterling. At the time, they were the largest FRP hull ever built. I recall the upper deck resembling a strip club, but it had a very contemporary stairwell/atrium with expansive views (pic below). Most memorable was the engine room, which had just been refit and had a custom lighting system to create a disco-like environment (in the engine room !)

    Attached Files:

  4. Lenny

    Lenny Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    Thanks everyone for your feed back. Saw the boat today and could be 100% incorrect. IMHO. Boat has galley down. Really a problem for the stews to bring the food up several levels. Real negative for us. Have not seen a galley down boat in 20 to 30 years. But yes it is 25 years old. From the broker the owner has had the boat for 12 years and lived on it in the Philippines for 6 months a year. Assume at anchor. All three generators are over 16,000 hours and are nearing the end of their useful life. Need to be replaced. Engines have 8,000 hours but are 25 years old. Not sure but assume they need a total rebuild. There is no soft patch or large doors in the engine room. BIG deal to get in new generators. Lots of money for this work.
    The boat is clean but is old. The owner has maintained the boat but NOT upgraded.
    4 staterooms, unheard of in 138 feet. 116 Hargraves have five staterooms. 112 Westport has 4 staterooms. In those days 4 staterooms was sufficient but not today. Master head is tiny. One sink, shower/tub and toilet. The size head you will find on a 36 cruiser. No zero speed stabilizers. Electronics OK but old.
    All of this could be fixed but will cost millions of dollars. Think a very hard sell, but I wish the owner well. I could be 100% incorrect.The boat is very large and there is no doubt a quality product. Spending enough money and this could be a great boat. I will pass on the boat.
  5. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    For some reason all of the Sterling's general arraignment's had the galley's on the tank deck level with dumb waiters servicing the upper decks. The lack of a soft patch is common in this vintage of vessel as cutting a machinery removal access in the hull is commonplace and wouldn't be deal breaker money wise and is actually the preferred route for removal / replacement of machinery to save interior damage. I would assume the gens that are fitted now are the second or third replacements from original so there had been a W.E.P. cut at some point in time. W-6 service on the 8v-396 MTU mains would run $350,000 ea. minimum so that would be problematic. If you've previously had the opportunity to view an original Susan Puleo interior with the sculpted carpets and beveled mirrors of the time period than you would recognize the interior upgrades. In the "80's medium sized yachts had spacious mid ship engine rooms with large crews quarters fwd. and some what smaller accommodations compared with todays vessels. Sorry that this wasn't the vessel that would fit your needs but I'm sure the perfect yacht is out there waiting for you somewhere.
  6. Lenny

    Lenny Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    Is a W-6 on those 8v-396 MTU's due only by hours or if not enough hours than by how old the engines?
  7. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    W-6 schedule was due @ 6,000 hours.