I have the boat under contract. Survey and sea trial is in two weeks. She has 3406E CATs. Any particular known issues to be aware of on the survey? Also, I cannot find any speed curve or fuel usage with these engines on this model. Owner estimates 25-26 kts at about 60gph at about 1950 rims or 80% load. Does this sound about right? Also, how do the fuel gauges work with two gauges and three tanks? The only obvious cosmetic flaw is a small one. The ceiling mirror in the day head is bleeding through major black lines. Is this common? Finally, do the Cats usually come with block heaters? Thanks from a new forum member.
CAT recommends changing aftercoolers every 7 years. Make sure those were changed or get an adjustment. Fuel burn/speed sound about right but the displays should tell you on the seatrial. Just about any pair of 800hp diesels burn 60 gph at 80% load. There's another thread that has the fuel tanks and fuel gauges explained, do a search for it.
Thank you. Any idea on the block heaters? Also, I assume the Ocean has some sort of Y valve for permitted overboard discharge. Correct? One last question for now. I did a quick search for impellers on these engines to make a prophylactic change. Curios why they are4 so much more than the impellers for the Detroits I have owned. Anything special about them?
The first fuel gauge should give you fuel in the two saddle tanks. The second gauge should monitor fuel left in last tank. At least that was how it was explained to me.
Aftermarket. The mirrors are attached by double sided foam tape and it pulled the silver off eventually and made them look terrible. I made a template of each mirror with paper, then removed them. It's a bit tedious but not bad. I used an oscillating saw, flat screwdriver and long paint scraper. The saw wasn't very useful. I put tarps down all around and started chipping away. They took about 45 minutes for the port cabin, and a couple hours for the salon. The salon had some glue, which made it slower. At the bottom of the stairs was another mirror that was hard to remove, so I just installed the mirror over top. I used mirror mastic on all. Be very generous with the mastic, and put some support under floor standing mirrors. The mastic will not hold the mirror from sliding down a bit.
I still have a question about filling the fuel tanks. I have read the prior posts. When filling each saddle tank from the deck fill, do I assume when the saddle tank sounds full, it has already filled the central tank by gravity? I have been warned not to use a high speed hose to fill the saddle tanks. My guess is it overwhelms the gravity feed function. Would that be correct? Also, it would seem that the list created by filling the saddle tank would require that you go back and top off the first tank filled again after you have filled the other saddle tank. Correct?
High speed hose should be ok, but it may overwhelm the gravity feed. So just move to the other side and then go back to the 1st tank. You can also check the gauge and make sure the forward tanks are full. It also depends on how low on fuel you are. All fuel will already be in the forward tanks, so they may not gravity feed much when you fill the saddles if you're not really low on fuel.
Thanks. At sea trial yesterday, port fuel gauge showed empty and starboard fuel gauge showed half full. Not too sure what that means as far as expected gallonage on first fuel up.
Just took delivery. I am having a real problem with spongy steering. The fluid level appears to be full. Is there any way to tell whether it is in the head or not. All appears normal at the tiller arm. But, I need to make too many turns of the wheel to get it to responsive, especially if I have been hard over. I guess I may just need to try to bleed it but hoping for some wisdom here. Thanks.
My 1987 44 SS had the same problem. I rebuilt the steering ram, pretty easy, replaced all the fluid and after bleeding the air out, my system is real tight. Now it is 8 turns from lock to lock. Before the repair it was 10 turns lock to lock and spongy once at the lock.
Thanks. That may be the best place to start. Is there any way to tell whether it is the ram or the head?
In my case the ram showed signs of leakage. I guess you could cap off the lines going to the ram and see if the head will lock up, just a guess on my part.
Another issue. My AC pump runs even when breakers to all of my AC units are off. Any ideas? Perhaps a bad triac?
My initial thought is that your pump has its own power, that is to say that it is not wired to the A/C breaker. Look for another breaker or trace the wiring back from pump to source.
The pump can be shut off by the AC pump breaker. The problem is that it should not be running at all when the breakers to the AC units are off. Although I am not sure where to look, my guess is a relay or triac is shot but I have no idea where to look for it.