Hello everyone. I sure could use some advice. I have a 1987 Tiara 36 Convertible. The distribution panel has a 12 volt section, and two 110 volt sections representing Line #1 , and Line #2. The 110 works fine throughout the boat. The problem is, that when I turn on a specific breaker, the light beside the breaker tends to flicker just a little instead of showing a constant steady green light. The polarity green light also flickers, but the volt meter shows a steady 110 volts coming into the panel. If I turn on all the breakers for both line #1 and line #2, at the same time, every breakers corresponding green light comes on, but some are steady green and some show a faint flicker. Every light or outlet works just fine, regardless of what I plug in. I don't see any significant corrosion anywhere on the back of the panel, and although I haven't touched anything on the panel, all connections seem to be tight. I can't tell if the green light has a bulb inside, or an led inside. Is the flicker just a component of age....after all the boats 30 yrs old? Do I just need to get new green breaker lights? Any suggestions on what to look for would be appreciated. Piper
All those lil lights tie to a common electrical return or common. If all the lights are blinking the same song, find that point and tighten it up. Have you the panel schematics? They should still be available from Tiara Corp.
The LED's are probably worn out and fairly easy to change. The LED indicator is the entire piece/part.
LED lights can start flickering when on the verge of failing. I have the same little green LED lights on a Bertram 360 and they did the same. They are simple to replace and you will simply solder replacement LED lights to the original wiring harness after removing the failed lights.
My apologies everyone. I've been out of town and out of touch with the forum for several days. Gentlemen, thank you for your advice. Piper