Just curious, who would by a new Post from an owner that never build one before?? Maybe I’m just a crazy Dutchman…
Has the new Post owner made Hull # 1 yet? One of the strong points of Viking is their customer service to legacy boats and second owners. That helped build a tremendous brand loyalty and reputation. Its like buying a factory certified pre owned BMW or Mercedes.
I have heard from people who have met them, that the new owners are very nice folks. BUT, I've had the same experience with no email replies. When the old Egg died, there were a group of former employees, I wish I could remember their names, who got together and answered questions for legacy owners. Though I don't believe they participated in direct parts sales, ( I had someone's phone number), they knew the suppliers, specs, etc. I believe, chief among those helpful folks was the former production manager?? Wouldn't that be a great asset for legacy Post owners? I've often suggested that someone like that set up an owner's site. It could be a great niche business and a godsend for us owners. Maybe Maryland is listening? Thank goodness for this site, and the ability it has given us to communicate with one another. I think we have all exchanged valuable info. But, for instance, probably none of us knows who the heck supplied the teak veneers for Post...makes matching shading and grain much easier. BTW, don't know what they have built, but the rendering of that 66 is sweet. Would they take an old cracked 50' in trade?
YF is an excellent place to get info on the legacy Posts. There is a cadre of very knowledgeable Post owners. I would consider a new Post, but I am too risk adverse to be hull #1.
Those trees are long gone. Won't be BACK around for another few hundred years. We need to appreciate the work, labor and good eyes that went to put your fine veneers together then. Not defending the factories lack of communications recently, but we (all boaters) on our own now matching up any wood grains. AND, you kids are the greatest at comparing notes and sharing experiences. I always enjoy following the Post,, post. ,rc
Guys, it was just an example. But a first tier manufacturer has a history of its veneers, and today can do a pretty good electronic match with the material available. (if it doesn't have a sample, they will ask you for a sample (send then a small cabinet door, and you better know what stain was used) BTW, the old Post used to keep many remnants from every production year. I believe they had every shade of gel coat ever applied by them - maybe they had teak too? Post had a single provider for all of its mattress covers. That manufacture has a record of each boat's original material and dimensions/pattern. Just saying. My point was that after Egg died there was at least one former employee who continued to provide that type of valuable info on a single phone call. When the old Post was around, you could make the same call to them. Did the new Post owner obtain those old records and samples in the sale? dunno.... And, I agree, YF is an excellent platform for us Posties
I think we should start a seperate thread on this rather than soil this magnificent restoration thread, Suffice to say, the new Post doesn't seem to give a wit about it's legacy owners. ( All I asked was if I could buy new Post scripts for the sides of my house....no reply.)
Bob, take a look at this thread: http://www.yachtforums.com/threads/post-scripts.23259/#post-216768 Another owner made custom ones that match the 80's style exactly. He probably still has some available.
I'm back. Sorta. Island Runner made it through Hurricane Irma just fine. Amazing really - there was a recorded gust of 130 mph just 2 miles away from the dock. Not even any damage to the canvas top in the tower. Recent work included some more glass work, new gel coat on the foredeck and cockpit and new nonskid on the helm deck. All this in preparation for sale. Life is the stuff that happens while you're busy planning something else. Island Runner was to be my "forever boat" that I would enjoy for decades until I could no longer hobble around it in old age. Sadly this is not to be. Circumstances have brought me up short and Island Runner needs a new home, hopefully someone who loves these classics as much as I do and can put the finishing touches on her. I poured about $150K in her and countless hours of my own time. It was never about the money - I planned to keep her forever. Now just looking to get $65K back out. If anybody knows someone looking for a sweet old 42 Post let me know. She's still located in Naples, FL. Thanks for all the kind words and support. Fair winds. As the old sailor's prayer goes - "Round our ship be God's aboutness".
Sorry to hear that you have to let your baby go. I too have been thinking of the day that I can no longer care for her the way I have in the past. For now I am still fighting to keep her perfect for my enjoyment on the water. Someone will certainly appreciate all the work you have put into your boat. Take care for now and stay on the forum if you can. Your knowledge and contributions are invaluable.
@Island Runner great thread and an inspirational quality of workmanship! hope you're out there doing well