Hello everyone and thanks for the add to your forum, My wife and I were looking at a 1988 46Post with 692's. Boat is in good shape...inside is dated...1800 hours on the motors (that you can eat off of) and the genny was just rebuilt. Overall everything else is functioning or has been replaced/updated. What are your thoughts about the boat, motors? Estimated cruise and gph? Guesstimates on a fair value for this vessel? Thank you again!
Was looking for some experience with these boats so I can inspect potential problem areas before placing a offer. Of course I would get a survey
Concerned with the comment "top end of stbd. diesel needs rebuild" . Almost sounds like a used car sales person comment vs a real Detroit mechanics recommendation. What is this comment based on??
Motor runs... smokes bad on start up unless you leave the block heater on...also hard to start if block heater isn't on
The insurance company may only cover you to the $ 72K amount and the bank may only lend money on the same amount. They don't care about upgrades. Better find that info out too.
Sounds like a great price for the boat. Get the engines surveyed along with the boat. Have them fix the starboard engine by Detroit as part of the deal. Don't know how you plan to use it but you may need to upgrade it for fishing and cruising if you plan to spend time on the hook .
If the Bahamas are in your plan, you will need a longer range radar for rain forecasting. Potentially a single sideband radio. But certainly a water maker 30 to 35 gallons per hour, a large house bank and a fairly large inverter to be able to run different 120VAC units such as the icemaker and your cockpit and gally freezer/fridge without running the generator. An Auto Gen. Start interface to the inverter is extreamly helpful as well. It will start the generator when required to recharge your house banks all automatically. If you like to scuba dive you can remove the fish boxes and build a tank rack down there on one side and slide a little Bauer compressor underneath to be able to pump your own bottles while you're deep into the Bahamas. The 46 Post is probably the best over all cruising, fishing, diving and exploring boat given a few upgrades to make it trawler capable. Let us know how the surveys go and good luck
That's a really sweet looking Post. I have a 43 Viking with the 692's rated at 550hp. I cruise around 17kts at 1850rpm burning around 34-36gph. I'm over 40000lbs loaded. I didn't see what the hp ratings are on the 692's so that will make some difference on your performance. Good thing about the DD's is they can be overhauled in place most of the time. I'm not sure what the boat should sell for but the book value may be a good place to start. I think it's kind of a sellers market right now with the economy being good. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
What color is the smoke? Top end may not be the issue. Get a REAL Detroit tech involved here for the engine survey. May take a few visits to check this cold thing out. I'm thinking stuck rings from lack of use.
Recent? where? Electronics are obsolete. The Mather controls (IMO) are considered a drawback. She's a dock queen and cheaply upgraded and not used.
To keep your topic on one thread, 92's are temperamental and not forgiving. Once overheated, your F*****d. Copy?