I am seriously considering replacing my original Onan 8KW MDKD gen set. It has just over 4000 hours on it and works properly. Doesn't burn or leak any oil to speak of. I have just replaced the circuit board with a flight systems board for the 2nd time in 6 years. We love to spend time on the hook and I worry about another board failure while sitting in a remote Bahamian anchorage. Replacement Recommendations would be appreciated. I am looking at an 8.5 Phasor.... same kobota engine as the Onan with a less complicated control system. If I pull the trigger I would sell the Onan if anyone is interested. Pics attached. Gen is still in the boat here in Pompano Beach Florida.
If it runs fine then just keep a spare board on the boat I will take Northern Lights any day over anything, with Westerbeke second.
I have the same generator with about the same hours on it. I carry a Honda 2K generator on board when I go to the Bahamas. If I have any trouble with the generator and don't have the spare parts I can run all the refrigeration and electronics with the 2K generator Connected to my 50 amp shore power cable with a custom cable. I'm considering replacing the front and because I've run out of taps to crank up the voltage. The only way I can do it now is to run it at 61 and a 1/2 or 62 hertz.Let's keep in touch I'm right up the road in Delray from you.
The Kubota D650/D750 are some of the toughest lil blocks out there. I was given the engine from a Onan 9 and bolted a bell and Stamford (NextGen) end to it. Life has been great for 3000 hours (4K hours on the motor). Shop for a SAE4 bell and 9+ Stamford end. Not a drop of oil used, Onan parts on the engine and makes power for weeks on end. Runs 3 ACs and chargers. Also use Shell synthetic 10w40 blend. We have an Isuzu based 30kw when everything has to run; 8 ACs, water makers, water heater and galley. 25% use.
In the pic, I notice the e-bay special fuel lift pump. If you ever think your not running well, here is your problem. I and my customers have been thru this. A real pump is required. I order the pump for the Ohno 20 (MDKB?). Same hookup but really delivers the fuel. Sadly, it cost a few more pennies but worth it.
The new Westerbeke's are junk, ever since they switched over to the electronic control panel. Issue after issue after issue with the electronics. Same thing with the Northern lights, some issues (not as many as Westerbeke) with the electronics part of it. The new Onans run and run and are quiet.
Say it ain’t so about the new N Lights. I just had my Onan replaced with a N Lights. The Onan was good to me but Onan no longer has parts for my 1995 20 KW. I thought I was buying simplicity and reliability with the N. Lights.
I was looking at the Phasor genny too. They have a K.I.S.S. unit that appeals to me as well. All that I read was good reviews although mostly commercial, not recreational. My marina also sells and services them which also would play into my decision For now though, mine is running well and I'll keep it till it is worn out. Mine is 1980 vintage, all parts obsolete. I have a lot of N.O.S. parts that will keep me going for a while yet, I believe.
I subscribe to the KISS principle when looking at gennys. The fewer nanny electronics the better. I loved my old NL. I now have an ONAN on the new boat but it's an older model and seems to run fine but loud. I like what I've read about Phasor and NorPro. Good engines, simple electrical/electronics.
I have a norpro 18 on my own boat. Isuzu engine and marathon electrical, 2002 vintage. Great unit BUT never again as getting parts from Norpro takes weeks!
Well I pulled the trigger on the 8.5 Phasor and should be taking delivery in the next week or so. I would be glad to pass my thoughts on the new unit once I get some time on it if anyone is interested. My Onan will be coming out of the boat in the coming weeks and is available if anyone has interest. Not sure what it is worth.
No sound box. It was a $1500.00 option and I figured I would rather spend that on fuel! I did get a stainless pan for the new generator to sit on. I picked it up today and will be removing the old one and installing the new one over the next week to 10 days. So nice to have a brand new generator sitting on the warehouse floor waiting settle into it's new home!! I will upload a bunch of pics once the project is complete.
I had an 8 kw phasor in the 38 ocean which had the same Kubota engine. Without a hush box. The unit was very quiet, eapecially compared to the westerbeke unit we had before. In fact The phasor on the old 38 ocean with no box is less noisy than the westerbeke with the soft hush box. I put 5000 hrs on that phasor in about 8 years with no issues besides changing the raw water pump at about 4500 hrs.
I think it's the same (dam close) engine your pulling out. The xx05 family (905. 1005, 1105) from Kubota are tough and quiet. Lil oil and they last forever. Where is your old set going?
Thanks Trinimax... makes me feel like I made a good choice. A couple bites on the old set but nothing solid yet. The 1st $1500.00 takes it. It will be out of the boat on Monday in Pompano Beach.
Sweet. Are you doing the work yourself. Wondering how hard/how long you estimate it will take for the swap. I got a quote on swapping out my Onan 9kw for a phasor or NorPros. Equipment costs seemed good but dealer guessed 40 hours of labor at his home marina. I find that hard to believe. Also wondering how "technical" it really is. I have a good general purpose marine mechanic and thinking he'd be a lot cheaper. My yard has a crane for extract/insertion too.
Yes....Doing the work myself. I will post some pics and details of the process when complete. So far I disconnected all plumbing and electrical connections and moved the generator between the two main engines this past Sunday. I built a new plywood plate for it to sit on as the old one was delaminating....painted the new wood plate and the bilge area below the gen after a good deep cleaning. About 6 hours of labor thus far and it was just me. I will pick it out of the engine room and move it to the cockpit this weekend. The boatyard is a couple canals away. I will head over there on Monday so they can pick the old one out and place the new one in the cockpit. More updates to come!