yes effectively Gustavia flooded a lot but luck no north swell so only high tide... some beach other side get damage from swell. I saw Irma a week before and I escape south to St Lucia 3 days before with flat sea. I came back in St Barth some days after with around 6 Ton of first aid and generators on deck... After Maria came again escape to St Lucia but this time rough sea, I'm back again in ST Barth with dangerous sea full on debris and tree. total 1000NM in 2 weeks but at the end all good no damage on board
Good to see the boat and you safe and doing good work for the community. The island looks a little worst for wear, but fixable. Keep up the good work and Island Spirit.
The thing about st Barths is that they know how to build... and they also know how to clean up after a storm while looting rages on sxm or stt ... Damage there is less severe than on the other islands because most roofs stayed on. When i lived there I remember after Hugo 89 and Luis 95 everybody was out cleaning right after the storms.
that total trough. St Barth all moste all road are clean, every body working hard to bring back island at normal, all villas and hotels are on process with insurance and expert for the financing part but all ready doing quote with contractor and sign agreement for job that going fast, for sure all of roof stay because building are build under high spec