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Mathilda-Southern Breeze -Khalidia

Discussion in 'Vintage & Classic Yachts' started by Bram, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. R_Blocker

    R_Blocker New Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    Hi mate it's Richard/aka Willy I hope you get this! Ian I never saw your reply back when I inquired about the Southern Breeze? Where are you now? I'm in San Antonio,Texas my email cactusfreak1 @ yahoo. com I would love to hear from you after all these years!
  2. Mike drake

    Mike drake New Member

    Aug 14, 2016
    Bethlehem pa
    Edge are you out there. Phil are you out there. Debbie , bill, Martin,Linda. C/T. Crew of Kallidia 1980/1981.
  3. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    Well said Bee...
  4. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Hi guys.

    If any of you still use Facebook, I've just found a page for all the old crews you may know.
    Page title:-
    ibna yachting professionals from the 1970's ,80's, 90's before gps.
  5. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2020
  6. Marshan

    Marshan New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Portsmouth. UK
    I just joined this forum as I had seen this thread after doing an internet search for Khalidia.
    A friend of mine, along with a little help from me, have just completed the full restoration of an old Riva Rudy Super. A marine engineer friend of ours based near Portsmouth in the UK used to speak to Mr Khashoggi many years ago and purchased an old alminiumn speed boat from him which he then used to race on the UK racing scene.
    This friend said that as far as he is aware the Riva was one of the tenders on Khalidia, but we have not been able to find any photographs with her on the yacht which I think has now sadly been scrapped.
    Does anyone on this thread remember if the Riva was one of the tenders and have any photographs they could send us.
    Any help would be much appreciated as we like to know the history of various projects we have done for fun over the years.
    Many thanks
  7. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    I seem to remember they had a red Riva with a white interior, that's all I can recall.
  8. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    As far as I can remember, the aluminium boat on Khalidia was made by Fairey Huntsman. Doug Havers ordered her in '73 or thereabouts, thinking that A.K. would be pleased. She wasn't a very good boat, always breaking down and having engine problems. I'll try and see if I can find some old photos of her and the Riva.
  9. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    Huntsman Scan.jpeg
    Fairey Huntsman 28. Twin engines, straight 6's with 3 x double downdraft carburettors each. Lots of power out through the Z drives..! Via Stainless steel racing props.
    She arrived, unfitted. Myself and Bill Minneboo had to fit the Z drive and linkage, something neither of us had attempted before!
    I include the only photo I have, through the legs of Capt. Havers and Bill.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  10. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    As did most of 'em Fish...
  11. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    Hi Bill, have you got any old photos of the Khalidia with the Riva on board as a tender?
  12. Marshan

    Marshan New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Portsmouth. UK
    Hi everybody.

    Thank you for the replies and interest, we are fascinated to hear a bit of the history about Mr K, Khalidia and the crew. I have uploaded a photo of the Riva, the outside colour scheme is the same but had a white interior as Fishtigua states, the red was added to the interior as it was restored.

    John, who owns the Riva, spoke to Andy Judge today, a marine engineer based in the UK near Portsmouth. Andy recalls the followings in his phone calls with Mr K.

    The Riva Andy sold to John was one of two Rivas used on Khalidia, there was also Don Shead aluminium 25-footer and a 30 foot Cigarette, Andy does not know about any other tenders that may have been onboard. When Andy purchased the Don Shead designed, Enfield Marine built aluminium boat from Mr K, it had Tender to Khalidia painted on the wooden cradle it arrived on. The boat was built in 1972 and delivered in 1973, hull no 010 with Volvo drives and a unique looking transom. The specification as he remembers was for a boat up to 25 feet, under 3 tons that could carry 9 people at 60mph. A green deck with polished aluminium hull, white upholstery with green piping, and as Mr K said, a keyhole shaped door to allow the ladies easy access. Mr K told Andy he was selling the boat because it was too hot inside, unreliable and not as fast as he wanted. Andy called it 7UP and raced it in the UK for a while then sold it.

    The Riva did not come direct from Mr K, Andy found it years later in a yard for sale with the intention of restoring it, but after years passed it on to John.

    Spike62, Andy has not seen your photo, John described it to him and he said it does sound a very similar to his Don Shead boat except the colour scheme, so he would be interested if you do find any more photos. If you find any with the Playboy girls on it you mention in your 2009 post, all the better, ha ha. Any photos you or anyone else finds would be much appreciated, bunny girls or not.

    Look forward to hearing from any of you.

    Regards. Craig.
    Riva Rudy Super.JPG
  13. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    Absolutely correct there old pal. It was a Don Shead and it all came rushing back. Volvos on a boat? True, and they were pigs to keep tuned. Bill and I rtied for ages but in the end, we had to get hellp from somewhere. Where I don't remember.
    As far as the Cigarette goes, Doug Havers and I went down to Cigarettes in Miami to pick it up back in '73. We drove it back up the Intracoastal to Tracor Mas and S.E. 17th Street bridge, where we were tied up. I loved that boat! Very quick and very comfortable. I had a Cigarette windcheater they gave us and still had it back in '80 when I came back to U.K. Gold it was but very warm! Embarrasing now though, just thinking about it.
    I just got an email from Margie & Doug Havers, they said they have no recollection of the Rivas, so maybe it was before their time. They've move to Nova Scotia now but still travel in their motor home, down to Fla. in the winter and back up there for the summer. If anyone wants to contact them, I can supply emails privately.
  14. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    We bought 2 Cigarettes for both Katalina yachts. One a 28 and a 30, all custom made for lifting onto deck by davits. Very happy loaded with guests or going mad at 70 knots with the Boss at the wheel.

    Spike, I only know the Riva from the mid-80's as I haven't quite caught up to you old farts.:D
  15. Spike62

    Spike62 New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    London England, Ft Lauderdale Fla, Villefranche
    I was on Khalidia from 1971, so it doesn't surprise me that nobody's caught up with us yet..!
  16. Marshan

    Marshan New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Portsmouth. UK
    Spike, thank you contacting the Havers, as you say, maybe before their time. Great to hear about the Cigarettes from you and Fish, must have been fun days then.

    John, the Riva`s owner, had a 70`s Magnum 27 Sport which was found derelict in a yard in the south of France. In the 90`s we restored it to as good as new, a real head turn called Sidewinder when we raced it 95 - 98. That had the same Volvos and drives as the Shead boat, but had several engine changes during the time John owned it, intenional :) and unintenional!!! :mad:. As you and Fish know, it a great feeling charging around in a Don Aronow deep v.

    Forgot to mention, the Riva was called Karimari. Not sure if that was changed over the years or called that when Mr K owned it, just in case the name rings any bells or the significance of the name.
  17. shubby

    shubby New Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    St Croix
    When I was crew from 81-83 we had the Riva (gorgeous restoration btw) and a Boston Whaler as the two tenders. I have many photos of both, so will try and post soon...
  18. shubby

    shubby New Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    St Croix
    I spotted for Richard Nixon as he water-skied behind that Riva in '82. I also then lost my footing and toppled into the water in front of him as the Riva came alongside. Happy days!
  19. shubby

    shubby New Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    St Croix
    IMG_5411.jpg IMG_5416.jpg IMG_5413.jpg IMG_5415.jpg

    Attached Files:

  20. shubby

    shubby New Member

    Dec 31, 2011
    St Croix
    So there are the two Khalidia tenders, the Riva and the Whaler.
    Craig, I don't remember it being called anything but 'the Riva' when I was crew.
    That's Nev in the top shot, then me in the Riva following Nev in the Whaler, Simon in Nelson's Harbour with the Riva visible on deck, plus a shot of me with Phil on the arse-end (the Riva to the left). And another shot of the Whaler (super little boat).
    All from '82, maybe very early '83.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2020
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