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Specifications on a 1960 Chris Craft Roamer 43 ft.

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by Kevin Frazier, May 20, 2017.

  1. Kevin Frazier

    Kevin Frazier New Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I have been told it has a 13' Beam. Recently I was told it was a 14' beam...

    It is 43' with a single deck below and a bridge above. I would also like to know the height from the keel to the top of the bridge.

    I found this photo on the web (my main computer died but this is very close):
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Got a tape measure?
  3. Kevin Frazier

    Kevin Frazier New Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Yes. That would make sense. I am trying to get some idea of the dimensions without traveling to where the boat currently is. The marina where it is does not care to assist with this. I have to get some dimensions to give the shipper. It would be a great idea to go and measure it myself and to calculate the weight by doing a measurement of the displacement and then doing some elementary calculations to also derive the weight. It may come down to my traveling to the boat location. I would like to do this but currently my employers are unable to see the urgency. They may be right. In a couple weeks I can get this information myself. I was thinking though, that perchance someone who subscribes to the Roamer part of this forum might just have these measurements or even a drawing handy and it would save me a three day trip. Thanks for the tip though.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Well that does explain a bit more.
    There are some Roamer expert around these threads.
    After the weekend they may chime in.
  5. Kevin Frazier

    Kevin Frazier New Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I did finally get what I needed. Standing by.
  6. Ron Madison

    Ron Madison New Member

    Jun 13, 2017
    Muskegon, Mi
    I'm also looking for those specs ?
  7. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Here's another - underway!,.., at anchor; and inside.
    PS - Beam is reported as 13' in the CC Essential Guide.

    Attached Files:

  8. 61Roamer

    61Roamer New Member

    Jul 4, 2018
    Rockport IL
    I have the dimensions and photos of both 43 ft models made in 1960 if you need them. I got them from Chris Craft mine is a 1961 has twin 431 Lincoln's original. The beam is 13 ft the draft is 35 inches the hieght depends on the model. Mine is the aft cabin model but there was a sport model called the regal made in 1960 without aft cabin.
  9. 61Roamer

    61Roamer New Member

    Jul 4, 2018
    Rockport IL
    I have the exact boat, I bought it last Summer with the intention of retiring and living in it full time. I have had problems after winter hit with the marina claiming the previous owner broke contract by selling it even though we sat down with them and they verbally agreed to honor the pre paid yearly slip fees. Now they are trying to salvage the boat. It is in unbelievable original condition with original interior almost perfect and twin Lincoln's winterized but had carb rebuild and they have yet to be attached, also the steel tanks have been removed and I purchased one 100 gallon poly tank with all fittings and also newer bilge pump which are not installed yet. The marina is trying to salvage the boat and won't allow me in the property to move it or get it running, it's on the Mississippi River in Illinois. I'd rather sell this boat for any partial re coup, on the 20k I have invested then let them steal and salvage it but I'm running out of time this is a chance for someone to steal this historical beauty that had hull stripped, and refinished in 2016 for a cost of 15k. I am physically ill at the thought of losing her (seriously throwing up at night from stress) but I'd rather sell it for 5k then let them salvage it. Please if you know anyone who wants a potential 150k yaught for the cost of shipping and a little for me to start saving for something else, contract me for info and photos. Generator, auto pilot, radar, plus many extra features. thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2019
  10. 61Roamer

    61Roamer New Member

    Jul 4, 2018
    Rockport IL
    Also the bean is 13'6"according to Cris craft historical I have the info for the 1960 model they sent me