Wow, just looked at Marine Traffic. You're right. Stream of boats making for the Yucatan Peninsula. Got believe the seas are pretty high in Flordia Straigh until you get in lea of Cuba. If you can report what it's like I'd be very curious.
Most of my hurricane prep is done. Client's boats secure, gen in place, all that. If anyone in the Ft Lauderdale area would like me to check on their boat, double up lines, move it up the river, whatever, let me know. I have a Mate and a little time late this afternoon or tomorrow. Wishing everybody the best, ROCK
Our crew was supposed to go to Houston ten days ago, but after seeing the Harvey reports, I just kept them on board. Now supposed to go Miami. Guess they're going to be my guests for a while longer. It's not like I don't appreciate their company, it's just that we've been on this ship for five months. Kinda want to get off and stretch our collective legs if you know what I mean. Well we're on the "Q" dock tonight in Funchal. Will have to see where the third assignment will take us. Good luck to you all. Personally, I'd head for higher ground - - - like the Rockies!
It is crazy out here. People are going crazy where I'm at. Aldi's was closed on Monday when I went just because they had no water and I went to Publix and they just got a new shipment of water when I got there. I- 95 is packed and the turnpike you can't even go past 55 mph. It's going to be pretty bad. The lines for gas are horrible it is taking forever to get gas ANYWHERE! I hope everyone in the South Florida area is safe and stays safe.
A1A has no traffic. Not being facetious as to some who are trying to head north moving east and off the highway might turn out to be a better route. We were out earlier and Fort Lauderdale was calm but seems traffic has increased dramatically. Contrary to what I've heard from some, it's not illegal to drive there. However, as long as you're averaging 40 mph going north you're in good shape.
I used to drive US27 between Hialeah and Lake Wales nearly every month. Slower, but better than any of the interstates. Same with US41.
Josie tied us up Monday. Been lashing our customers boats down since. Have to move a 75Hat for pull out in the morning. Jax is having water and gas issues also. I95 crawling but moving.
thank the Good Lord I do not have to worry about the owners boat......But about 40 seasons of doing so has left me with a bad stomach whenever a hurricane comes this 100% way of not being effected, unless you can use your Lear to fly you to your Montana ranch....The Inter State system is great for evacuation , but one needs fuel and you are one of thousands looking for it.....not nice to have the needle near empty and you have 18 miles to Bumflucc Ga. at 10:45 pm with Irma on your trail.....On my counter is a bottle of Malox and a jug of Early Times , decisions, decisions, de----
I drove from Hobe Sound to Savannah today on 95. It took about ten hours, not including a one hour stop in Jacksonville for lunch, fuel, and a quick stop at Huckins. Worst jams were Pt St Lucie, Lead up to I 4 in Daytona, and St Augustine to Jax. I am driving to D.C. tomorrow. BTW I found fuel in Jax on Roosevelt near Huckins. Let's hope we get lucky! Best, Maldwin
Maldwin Were on the floating dock at Huckins. Coffee, rum & a cabin are always available. The Gate station has fuel, The Shell has been out of gas for two days as this morning. Sunoco was out but understand they got a load last night. Fare & safe travels to DC. ,Ralph
But check out the Broward in the background. Looks like she is guest-ready! For those who don't know me I am and OLD Broward guy. Ran more than a few in my time. "I ain't a coward, I run a Broward!" Old saying amongst us old timers. Gets laughs every time at a gathering where Captains have been around a while. Battleships they are. Just sayin . . .
Grandson who is in Macon right now, says half the gas stations are out and the motels filled. Fuel tankers are filling at the pipeline stations and getting trooper escorts. is the site to use travelling thru his state. You can download it to your phones, android or ipad.
I would like to know if there is a source of information on what boats sustain damage, how it occurred, how they were secured, etc. There has to be a way to break this down so we can learn from others mistakes withour making generalizations about preparedness. Perhaps the insurance companies have this and would share? Thanks.
info from Barbuda Irma is pushing a 20 foot plus storm surge. you just might want to rethink your strategy if your in the keys area. Good luck all be safe.