I have been fortunate to be invited to a friend's house in this port town of Lunenburg for a month this summer (escape the Florida summer heat). Perhaps some do not know of this delightful little area? This UNESCO World Heritage Site – with its narrow streets and unique architecture – is also the home port of Nova Scotia’s sailing ambassador, the Bluenose II. The graceful ship is a replica of the original fishing boat that found fame as a racing schooner. Wander Old Town Lunenburg’s distinctive waterfront with its colourful buildings and listen for salty tales of seafaring and rum-running. Discover what life is like on the open ocean when you visit the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic on the Lunenburg waterfront. Old Town Lunenburg is one of only two urban communities in North America designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Seventy percent of the original colonial buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries continue to greet visitors with their colourful façades. In Lunenburg, the past mingles with the present, and you can still see tall ships moored in the harbour and hear a blacksmith’s hammer in a waterfront warehouse http://www.novascotia.com/explore/top-25/lunenburg
another video about living here I'll have some photos to add to this once I get some good angles and sun heights Oh, and this coming weekend will be a visit by some of the 'tall ships' and a folk music festival
I end up in Nova Scotia at least once literally every year... been to Lunenburg many times. I've got pics of the Bluenose II during it's rebuild as well. The shed was just a few blocks north of where she's berthed now. Also the Spirit of Canada IMOCA 60 was berthed there for a few years too.
Sterling Hayden was involved with these fishing schooners that competed fiercely between Lunenburg and Gloucester for bragging rights on the Grand Banks. One of his books 'Wanderer' was an influence on my early entry into sailing. I mentioned it over on this subject thread,... http://www.yachtforums.com/threads/motor-sailers-by-philip-rhodes-john-alden.6710/ https://goodmorninggloucester.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/did-you-know-sterling-hayden/
I've recently watched a series of short movies on youtube by the owner of fleming yachts. he've been there with a fleming 65. (Starts around 2 minutes into the video) as i'm german, my first thought was, this town was probably founded or named by some german immigrant, as there is a town some 50km east of hamburg named "Lüneburg".
yeah, i've figured that, was just reading the article on wikipedia, seems like it may have been named after a king of great britain, but i a much wider way it has something to do with the city
Hello Jannick, you might be interested that Lunenburg has something in common with our hometown Flensburg as it´s been the rum capital of the Nova Scotia region just like Flensburg was here over many decades... There´s a cool t-shirt from the Lunenburg Tourist Shops which says : Lunenburg - beautiful small drinking town with a fishing problem. ...interesting to find out there´s another member from Flensburg on this place.
There are lots of German immigrants living in this Nova Scotia area as I understand it,....and their are at least 2 sauerkraut manufacturers near Lunenburg
@bernd1972: jep, been here quite a long time, last years mostly reading, not writing (is that your ship on the picture? i've seen that quite a lot of times in the harbour) brian: it is quite a mystery to my, why someone likes sauerkraut so much i think i should make a roadtrip, not starting in boston as i first supposed, but somewhere in nova scoatia then
To tell the truth I'm not a big fan of sauerkraut either, except with port chops/pork roast sometimes. I like the German blue/red cabbage better.
One of the reasons I posted this subject thread is that Luenburg was due a visit by some 'tall ships'. They came last weekend. https://tallshipsevents.com/event/rdv2017-lunenburg/ https://www.lighthousenow.ca/article.php?title=Tall_Ships_Regatta_coming_to_Lunenburg_in_2017 http://www.rdv2017.com/en/participating-cities/ It was a relatively small showing in Lunenburg, but it was colorful along the waterfront.
Thought I would add a few more pics of the harbor area taken from the golf course from across the way. Nice harbor