FPL states Florida may lose power for weeks. Although we may have cell service, we're going to step away from the keyboard, help our neighbors and begin to rebuild. We won't be able to upload news, so we're depending on you. In the past, YachtForums was used to update members on the status of bridges, marinas, roads, supplies, etc. I usually shutter-up and hunker down for the ride, but IRMA has me packing my bags for a last minute evac. For a Cat 5 storm to track up the middle of the state means the NE quadrant (the highest winds) will scrub the east coast. Hurricane force winds extend 60 miles out from eye center, leaving a 120+ mile wide swath in it's path. Florida is only 160 miles wide! This is very concerning following on the heels of Harvey because so many resources have been diverted to Houston. Wishing everyone well through this storm... ***
We just got home. Went from Texas to Charlotte yesterday and flew home today. We will either stay where we are or move inland a mile or two. We got a sizable grocery delivery today, so prepared food wise.
Nope, not too worried in Antigua. The power of it seems to be drawing it a little north. Sadly direct toward the USVI, BVI & PR. No idea where she may make landfall after that. You seen a British speaking gecko scuttle away yet?
Amazingly, thankfully, most of my regular clients have already gotten on board with the hurricane plans I have put together for their insurance companies. If any of our members whom are not local, let me know if I can assist in moving your vessel or attending to it as to multiple dock lines, etc. Make no mistake about it, this Cat 5 has the potential for some serious damage! The weather here in Ft Lauderdale is calm and sunny for the moment. Me thinks it may be lulling folks in to complacency. I hope it skirts around us to the south, but I don't wish it on the folks in the gulf either, as they have suffered enough. Please do not take this lightly as it could be devastating. Category 5 is as big as it gets!
IRMA is now the 2nd strongest storm in recorded history. 185 mph sustained with 220 gusts. Might need to add a 6th position to saffir simpson!
Strongest ever in the Atlantic basin now. I was thinking we might need a CAT 6 for it too. Now by the time it hits the mainland US it will be a four or a less powerful 5 but any areas hit before that are dealing with unprecedented power.
Received a mailer from the USSA with a list of member marinas up the coast with potential dock space for boats fleeing Florida... *** Baltimore Marine Centers: Phone: 410-675-8888 | www.bmcmarinas.com Calvert Marina & Washburns Boatyard: Phone: 410-326-4251 | www.calvertmarina.com Cape Charles Yacht Center: Phone: 757-331-3100 | www.ccyachtcenter.com Coastal Properties Management, Inc.: Phone: 410-269-0933 | www.coastal-properties.com Liberty Landing Marina: Phone: 201-985-8000 | www.libertylandingmarina.com/ Montauk Yacht Club Resort & Marina: Phone: 631-668-7702 | www.montaukyachtclub.com National Harbor Marina: Phone: 301-749-1582 | www.igy-nationalharbor.com North Cove Marina at Brookfield Place: Phone: 917-677-7680 | www.igy-northcove.com Ocean Marine Yacht Center: Phone: 757-321-7433 | www.oceanmarinellc.com Ocean Yacht Marina: Phone: 757-321-7432 | oceanyachtmarina.com/ Savannah Yacht Center: Phone: 912-443-6888| www.savannahyc.com St. Michaels Marina, LLC: Phone: 410-745-2400 | www.stmichaelsmarina.com Thunderbolt Marine: Phone: 912-352-4931 | www.thunderboltmarine.us
Just be careful if you decide to head north, especially if you're trying on the outside. By Friday afternoon, things look pretty bad on the sea forecasts. Check before you go and then continue to monitor. Always have a plan B.
glad I'm based st Barth due to the size of baby sunday I left habour to made full south I'm in St Lucia on Rodney Marine well protected St Marrten lagon are full of boat that going to be a mess Hugues
Just completed renovations in a place we bought on the ICW in Stuart. Really hoping it does not get flooded. Luckily we are in our summer place in RI. Irma sounds like it could unleash major havoc in Florida.
Houston was a 'wet' hurricane, so so much fresh water. This sucker is all about the surge, low coastal areas getting swamped by seawater.
Be sure to attach flotation devices to YF's server and you have a complete backup in your pocket. I pray everyone gets through this alive. Be safe . I also pray the destruction is less than anticipated.
Heck, we've done this stuff before. It'll be a breeze. Who's got the discount voucher for Fenders'R'Us? I'm sure you had it last time.
Intense little clip shot from inside a P-3 Orion flying through Irma. https://twitter.com/NOAA_HurrHunter/status/905184657431506945
Antigua got away very lightly, other islands have taken a big hit. PR may miss the worst of it too. St. Maartens and St. Barts bad. The Virgins are getting hit quite badly too. And storm Jose is not far behind.
If anyone is up north heading south but wants to hold up or heading WAY north to get away, message me and I can get you into Riverside Yacht Club in Greenwich, CT. Giant concrete docks, 18' surge steel pilings etc. Good luck everyone
CNN broadcasting aerial footage of Barbuda's aftermath. Regional heli pilot stated the island is 90% wiped out.
The Prime Minister, who was on that flight, just said on the BBC that if Jose comes close, that whole island must be evacuated. It's that bad.
Myself and several other boats have headed to Cancun- Isla Mujeres for the storm, if you check AIS there are a lot of boats headed that way. Family bugged out last night and the traffic was bad, I-95 was down to one lane due to construction, took about 10-11 hour to get up to Savannah area. Get going early as possible, the traffic is going to be awful!