Hello. We bought a '96 Carver 3608 Aft Cabin and the fuel pump needs replaces on the starboard engine. The original parts were CRU 23234 for the fuel pump assembly and CRU 47003 for fuel pump only. I have looked everywhere I can think of for the part, even tried to figure out what the aftermarket parts would be or if there are used parts for these older boats. I moved from a 24' SeaRay to this Carver and new to these engines. Any suggestions on where to find parts? I have searched online and checked with many of the normal resellers. Thanks!
Hi there. Are you sure? They look very different in their photos. This is the original on this engine - 23234. The 22898 looks very different. I'm Not a fuel pump expert so any advice is appreciated!
The fuel pump on those V8s have been superseded many times. Though the part number may not match, the new ones are way better. Check the corresponding Merc numbers and they'll come up the same.
Any chance you have contacted a real dealer? You will need the engine serial number. The in-line electric pumps have gone thru MANY changes with new part numbers for each.