Anybody else need the Lexan hatch covers? Mine are not nice and I figure I'm not alone.I want to approach a local plastics place about having some made. Would anyone else be interested in some? Price would probably be better with a quantity. (Don't mind the dirty deck!)
That's an option to be sure. These actually work quite well and even in their current condition do not leak. Doesn't hurt to check it out I figure.
Hi, Mine are not in too bad a shape yet but I have considered replacing them, I'd be in for a set of 3 depending on the cost. Mine don't leak either and have held up pretty well. The sun is slowly taking it's toll though.
I have the Bomars and have resealed them several times with the 3M sealer they use. I still get a leak or two when it rains like it has been down here. I will stick with them for now. I have compounded them in the past to improve their clarity.
I'm thinking we want them dark tinted? Sent pictures and basic specs to a local plastics shop today. Will keep you posted. Posted. Get it? Arr arr.
Posted. Yep. Post kids are cool. 71s rule. Yes, keep us up. My ole Bertram has a factory front hatch made of fiberglass. In its day, the center section was clear, lil frosted, fibreglass. Near 40 years later, the sun has won its mother nature always win attitude. Turned yellow and starting to release some fibers. It's not a woo but one day I would like some options. Looking forward to your findings. rc
I'm hoping to hear something today Captain Crapps. I'm figuring they can use one of my originals to make a male mold then vacu-forming them is easy. Of course the first one absorbs the cost of mold making and is more $$$
Yes l would 2# the post dealer is making them now in Maryland I think still but I'd be interested in two
I'm the one that found the guy that had the mold and I ordered one I wish I had ordered two and he sold his post he had a plastic shop and I told the new guys in Maryland about it they ended up with the mold and far as I know they're making them there but I still have the guy's number that owned the plastic shop he made it nice it was starboard instead of the wood under the frame and they were really nice I just wish I would have ordered all three instead of just one I know several guys cut the deck and have nothing but leaking problems when they try to put the flat ones
Baltimore Bob let me know if I can help and like I said I believe though guys in Maryland have that mold and they are making them I told them and the guy sent it to them who had a he owned a post and he owned the plastic shop and he was not going to do it anymore so I told John at the Maryland he does have the mold
Well Post got back to me (yes they are still around) and informed me they are making fiberglass reproductions. They have several in stock and will paint to your specs for $650. each. They are compatible with the original hardware. I'll post some pictures as soon as I get a chance to resize them. You can see them now on the Post owners Facebook page.