My FW pump recently failed and I'm looking for system replacements. The boat has 5+ faucets/showers. It's an old Sta-rite pump and the reset switch failed. I haven't been able to find a replacement part. Any help is appreciated.
What voltage is it? AC or DC? I like the headhunter pumps and if your pump is DC they're the only game in town for high volume. The variable speed jabsco is pretty good also but I think the highest volume they make is 6 gpm in DC.
We have been installing the ShruFlow Aqua King in a few boats with great praise. 5 GPM+. Mfg # 4158-163-E75 Use a large (3 gal) accumulator and life is good.
I just installed the large jabsco to see if it would work for me and it does. It's high pressure, 70psi, so I put a reducer on it. If you are trying to run all 3 showers at once, it may not work, but then the hot water runs out too fast anyway. Given the cost difference between this and the headhunter, I will keep it.
Ventus or Vetus? Ventus makes (or used to) medical pumps. Vetus packages and sells boat products and water pumps.
Pretty much any 5 to 7 GPM pump will work.. the shurflos are fine The best setup is to have both a DC and AC pumps so that when on shore/genset the larger volume AC pump is online but you still have the D.C. Pump when running on batteries or as a back up For AC while the $1000 headhunter Mach 5 is excellent, you can also use a basic shallow well pump...
Been here also, Shruflo makes a matching 115Vac pump also. I'm unable to find the part number rite now.
This is the 115v freshwater pump I have in the Cabo and it has worked well. $495
+1 for the Grundfos. I've been running this pump for the past 5 years and very happy with it. Wife and three daughters we blast through a lot of fresh water. A friend of mine replaced Oberdorfer on the Broward 82 he runs with the Grundfos and he is happy with it as well.
Thanks everyone. missed the updates to these. Turns out its AC and creating more issues due to the configuration. The yard is tracking similar pumps around the area. I'm game for a full system replacement, but 24V pumps seem to be a challenge.