Hard to tell if that is a true 60' or the rendering for their earlier 58 replacement, the deckhouse seems rather large for a 60 with a somewhat short foredeck, but that might just be the black wraparound window effect in this view.
I hate it......always have hated the Bertram SF's.....that's the bust your behind step when coming back from the bow.........then if you didn't do that, you surely killed your foot on one of the above deck mounted fuel caps or those clam shell vents......
It's a huge part of what identifies a Bertram, would prefer to see it stay. They have done a better job of removing the fuel caps or clam shell vents that used to be on the cap rail. Could not believe when Hatteras went to that same broken-step sheer design, had no idea what they were thinking, but they have turned that corner awhile now.
I have seen some renderings of the layout, and the reason for the short fore deck is that there is a full beam master cabin located below the galley with the berth mounted athwartship. I like the look of this new 60, looks like a true Bertram. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Capt J, your comments are hilarious... still not a fan I guess . Overall, the concept still screams "heavy production boat" from the 90's... will the average punter pic up the difference between the old and the new... I feel they could have been more creative, or close the gap to make it look more like a custom SF... Viking seem to be doing it. Cheers Far
I agree, they should've gotten away from the step and just did a nice sweep like Viking does. Then again, Viking has been the production SF leader since the late 90's that everyone's been following.....but for several good reasons.
They are falling into the same design trap as the Hatteras 64. The full master below the salon drives the look of a of a stocky/somewhat overweight looking SF that has too large of a deckhouse for the loa. I think this is where the step becomes a design liability issue. Bertram's typically could not design in high freeboard forward as the step becomes too tall. To assist this, they have to still keep the dated "trunk" detail on the foredeck. This boat is starting to leave the impression on me stated by 84far - "heavy production boat from the 90's". It is going to have a clunky look to it as compared to the sexy lines of Viking and the custom SF competitors. Will probably be accepted overseas, but will have a hard time pulling away the Viking buyer.
It's not targeting the Viking buyer. It's got two customer targets. Young family that thinks it's cool, somewhat vintage, for cruising, doesn't know much about SF's or performance and the older person who is buying based on nostalgia. It's not out there trying to compete, at least at this point, with other SF's. Clearly several were sold without anyone having ever had a chance to run a single one. It's a stand alone, is what it is boat. How successful that is or for how long, who knows.
So everybody design their boats like a Viking uh? Maybe some ole farts are tired of everything looking like a Viking.
Viking is the bench mark, whether you want to admit it or not. they are the #1 SF builder (something Bertram and Hatteras have held in the past) and the target is on their back. The look has evolved to best in class, which was normally held by a few select custom SF guys. Proportions, Style, Performance, Quality, Warranty, Customer Support, etc. They have come a long way and are on their 'A' game and this really isn't disputed by those in the know. Anyone who builds a 60' production SF and does not want to target the same buying pool as Viking and the custom SF guys is delusional. Bertram would love to grab some Viking and Hatteras customers, that is the name of the game. If they can't, they will have limited success or worse. Some may be tired of Viking's success when it comes to turning around at their marina and seeing another new Viking SF pop up at the docks, but hey, until the competition can step it up, it is theirs for the taking.
Depends what you mean by success and how much Bertram want's to sell of these per year. I know some people here said the 35 would be a failure, nine months later and they have sold over ten, even with its not competitive price tag and current economic times. Bertram sold two 58s (60) from design renderings. To real customers not to dealers. May be Bertram wants to build four boats a years of these and they will be happy. This 55-60 bracket is still very tight. I think as a first competitor they will start by looking at Hatteras. They cannot go and challenge Viking not even if they build a better boat for sportfishing. Viking and its dealers are geared to put you into sport fishing when you buy one of there boats. Even if you never did it. This is what made them the best in the class. The others where just selling you a boat to sportfish, Viking since decades help you go into the sportfishing circuit.
I never thought we'd see it and when we did, thought it might sell one or two. I was shocked, but they knew their targeted customer and I didn't. I was thinking of it as another SF. It's not. It's a Bertram. I don't know what that is as it doesn't fit or make sense anywhere. But they have their own little place. They're not trying to be Viking or Hatteras or Cabo or anything else. They're the PT Cruiser of boats.
But is not yachting about that. I mean Sport fish? You burn thousands of liters of fuel to go fishing, when a semi displacement rugged fishing boat could do the same for less then tenth of the price. that is apart the cost of buying one. What I mean is that, does luxury yachting really make sense? It does if you like to spend money, and want a sense to earn more and spend even more.....
If you follow that argument then no pleasurable aspect of life that isn't free makes sense. Not boating, concerts, trips, vacations, sports, none of it.