The fun of boat ownership. You might want to spend a day squeezing hoses, checking operation of valves, tightening screws bolts and clamps, etc. A complete run through of the boat and systems can eliminate a lot of future misery...
Yeah that's next weekends project. The thing about this boat is there are a lot of pipes and tubes hoses that are a deep inside the the hull and under floor boards. A lot of them were replaced some how, before I bought the boat. But like you said just a few more joys of boating!
Wow, You mean there was water on the top of the floor boards. When I read it I thought you meant water from the bilge had come all the way up, over your floor boards as if she was going down !!!!! Made me sit right up in my seat ! Thank heavens you caught it.
BTW, If it was salt water, you may want to rinse everything with a solution of Salt - X, or something like it ?
Yes the water was over the floor ran out from behind the head across the floor into my state room and into the galley, my rug in the head was floating. I walked in and at first thought we were going down! Was both really pissed but also just thankful it was just a hose. Lol was just glad we didn't have to start singing nearer my god to thy as the last life boat was lowered!
Ever figure out your problem with the steering? Had the same issue. Best I could tell it was just the pump slipping under the extreme pressure. Same type of slip that you get when you spin the wheel lock to lock then keep turning. I had changed all the steering gear (except the Hynautic stuff) on mine after losing a rudder due to a stray current problem, so it wasn't a binding problem.
I have the same problem with my 81/42. Steering works fine at slow speeds. When I get at cruising speed it takes a lot to turn the wheel. I wonder if my rudder posts are out of alignment. The top post carrier was loose when I got it. Tightened them up and now I wonder if the bolt holes in the quadrant plank are augured out: elliptical???? Only good thing about it is when I am running the wheel doesn't move off course.