I am helping a friend search for a used boat. He is currently looking at a 2008 65' yacht with MTU 8V 2000 series M94 engines. I am very familiar with the Series 60 850HP MTU, but not at all with the newer 1200 HP M94 engine. Any information, good or bad, would be greatly appreciated. Greg
The first consideration; Do you or your friend have a good MTU shop that can service this rig? The series 60 & 70 are a whole different beast and can not be compared.
Other than the Detroit 60 & 70 series (MTU own's Detroit), I am not a big fan of MTU's. Other performance folk luv them. Have a reliable MTU shop survey them out well. Keep the BIG check book handy for any service.
Thanks for your response. The sequential twin turbos and complex engine electronics to make everything function are what concern me. But, like I said, I have no real world experience with this particular set up.
I have experience with 12v2000s and 16v2000s, I know the 10v2000s had major issues when Viking put them in a SF, they took forever to get on plane and that was the only set they installed to my knowledge......I have zero experience with the 8v2000s and have not seen any of them. Try calling your local dealer and asking them their opinion. What are they in?
Was the vessel repowered? I don't believe the m-94 versions were yet produced in 2008; the newest version at that time was m93 IIRC. Very few recreational vessels came with the 8's; 1200 HP in a 65' is small compared to most. Too much HP for a displacement hull, not enough for a planing hull. BTW- the m93 have 150 hp per cylinder- which is what you quote- m94 have 162.5 hp per cylinder. http://goldcoastpower.com/brochures/MTU 12V and 16v 2000 M93 Brochure Specification.pdf http://www.transdiesel.com/app_docs/mtu 12v&16v2000m94.pdf
I stand corrected. These are 8V2000 M93 engines rated at 1200 hp. They have approximately 775 hours and are the original engines in a 2008 Marquis 65. Currently waiting for results from mechanical survey. The mechanic was monitoring engine readings as we ran through the rpm range and all reading were within factory specs. They ran well during sea trial and and reached the max rpm giving us 27 knots at WOT. The only objective concern I can offer is excessive smoke upon cold start and when running up rpm range with "no load". I'm talking smoke like "I can't see the dock". Not black smoke. Mechanic did not seem to have a clear answer as to cause and will continue to investigate. I have heard reports of a spotty reliability record but I do not know that for a fact. I am keeping an open mind and am reaching out to anyone with good or bad experience with this brand and model engine.
You use the word "mechanic" and then talk about him not having an answer and investigating. Was he someone familiar with these engines, expert on MTU? Was he a qualified engine surveyor or just a mechanic you found? Was oil analysis done? How did it look? The key isn't what you've heard or what others might have experienced as much as it is the condition of these engines in this boat. We have an 85' boat with 10V2000 M93's and it performs comparably to the 8V's in the 65' boat. We're very happy but then these are 2014 models and not 2008 models so really that's not much use to you either.
I also used the words mechanical survey. They're an authorized MTU shop in Seattle Lab report on oil samples was normal in all categories. The smoke issue has repeated after both cold starts conducted one week apart. After each start, the boat was operated for over an hour at various loads up to WOT. The mechanic is very experienced and the shop has a solid reputation. They do mechanical surveys all over the NW on MTU diesels. The mechanic could not find an obvious cause. All data from the engines has been downloaded and will be analyzed. They will continue exam until cause is found and a determination made as to whether this is normal. Glad your M94s are working out. These are M93s and apparently a different animal all together. I am hoping someone that has this same motor, or experience with it, comments.
A neighbor of mine had a 59 Marquis of that vintage with MTUs although I don't recall the model. He never had issues with them Smoke on a cold start in winter weather is pretty normal but should clear fairly quickly. If they smoke when warm when RPM is increased is not normal.
You are correct. I misread your post. I do not know if there are any significant differences in in the amount of smoke from 10V 2000s and 8V 2000s. To me, it seems excessive but I'll wait for final report from MTU shop.
I agree with you. My concern is not just the huge cloud upon startup but the amount after running boat to normal operating temp. Thanks for the comment
IRRC you can purchase the any of the m9X versions you wish even today. If they still smoke that much after a sea trial or even just running at the dock for 15 minutes when doing a no load full rpm test then you have an issue no matter what version they are. Do they emit smoke under load? There's a set of the 8V2000 m93's in a sportfish here in Palm Beach, I know the captain well. No major issue for the last 8 years/ since new.
Bamboo Thank you for the reply. The no load full RPM test was after 10-15 min warm up at dock at increased idle. Serious smoke. As the engines warmed and we reached open water to test under load, there was more of what I would describe as a sligh haze or fog from the exhaust. We removed both air filters from each motor to examine turbos. All blades nice and clean. No evidence of oil or soot.
When was the last time they ran previous to this no load full rpm test? If it was months and months then an "italian tune up" is in order (pardon the non PC term)... that's a full load full rpm extended (5-15minutes ~ watch the temps!) run. Only do this if everything is in order and they've had a good warm up- clean bottom, clean intake screens, all fluid levels at the proper levels, etc. Sometimes it's sitting that causes that smoke. Note this procedure has it's risks; be sure everything is fresh. If you choose not to do this but use the boat on a regular basis then that smoke you had at first may not be seen again unless the boat sits for another long period. If both engines smoked at the no load test then this is a sign of inactivity; if only one then it's more likely a mechanical issue with the one engine. After warm up and only a slight haze for the full rpm run is normal and also in an indicator of the inactivity conclusion.
They both smoked although port more than starboard. Prior to the first cold start and no load rpm test I witnessed, the boat had just been brought down from B.C. to Seattle. I was not part of the crew so I don't know how (rpm-load) she was run. The vessel sat for about 10 days before the first start up I saw. You could very well be right as far as running her hard for awhile. In the area where the boat is now temporarily moored, you spend about 30 mins running at near idle because of no wake zones before shutting down.