Whatever white color your engines were painted with now, it is no longer that color and even if you used paint out of the same exact can, it would not match. White changes over time. Try the CAT paint, DD also makes spray paint too but I believe it's costlier, like $12-14 a can. The red Detroits were marinized by S+S out of I think it was California. Same color as Westerbeke, I've only come across one set of those in all the years and they were in a 58' Searay if you can imagine that. They were 8v92 DDECs.
I remember 16v92 and the last 24v71 were red. S&S rings a bell but not positive who did it. I kinda thought it was a last Penski (Pi**Off) project before the company changed hands.
I have seen some red Detroits in older Rybovich's, usually a customer option/ preference. I also recall a pair of red Detroits in a large 1980s Hatteras MY (about 70') in which the owner had dyed the hair of his poodle to match - now that takes the cake! S&S was mainly out of Louisiana/Texas at that timeframe.
I just painted 2 6-71 TIB Majors with Rest-Oleum gloss white Professional and J&T would have been proud. The first 2 coats were in the shed where I took all the exterior piping and brackets off and painted them individually. After the install and a 800 hour charter season I will be doing the touchup this next couple of weeks. The paint looks great cleans easily and is tough as nails. Thanks for the tip about using tin foil I put all new blue Silicon hoses and stainless t-bolt clamps on and I sure don't want them white. The tall cans are $5.98 @ Home Depot and they do paint upside down or at any angle. Thanks for the discussion
I prefer the "Appliance" white version of Rustoleum. Seems to clean up slightly better than the plain gloss white. IDK if there is any technical difference in the actual paint.
Careful though, I knew a few people who are no longer with us , because of painting in the engine room.....Awlgrip.
Just started doing some touch up on a later pair of Cummins 8.3s. Rust-Oleum Gloss White comes thru again as the near perfect match on the lil stuff. Bolt, nut heads and chips here & there. Two dabbs with an one inch chipping brush over bolt heads and serviced parts; old chips & scratches disappear. Sadly, the ZF clutch white has faded away and off the alloy (same age) cases (NOT overheated). Looks like ZF just white wash their cases, I would not call it a paint coating. These will have to be prepped and painted completely later.
NO, it's just the overspray from painting the engines on the ZF's At least that's what it seems like. Pickup and try a can of the CAT spray paint, it's made by Valspar and covers and sprays better than the rustoleum and it's cheap too......like $7 a can.
I remember that 2 year ago project. I uses trimmed brushes to touch up the engine. Rust-Oleum does come in pints and quarts, non-aresol cans. I scrubbed the ZF clutches with bilge cleaner where the last of the factory paint washed off. Not over spray. Made up a new set of brushes and hand painted it. I remember that project well. Near seriously messed up my arm patting myself on my back for a week.
Well seems like this older thread is active again , at least ya just got your ''thank you'' reply. DD engine colors. I always thought they were either Alpine Green , the older ones, or White. But looking around on YW at boats I see DD in Blue mostly 8v53's in Chris Craft boats. Also silver in some Ocean Yachts. Why the color differences? Is the company who marinizes the engine the one who picks the paint color? I always thought DD factory would be the ones who made the call on the color. My DD J&T's are white, like all J&T's I believe? My point is if the Detroit Diesel isn't Green, Blue or White something is wrong, like a poor repair/rebuild coverup...?
Yes, the company that marinized them picked the color. Don't forget Stewart and Stephens DD's had westerbeke red paint. Silver was J+T, I think GM was blue, and I forget what Covington used.
Covington used an beige or real light tan. Screaming Gimmie 53s were blue. J&T (Junk & Trash) were white the last 8V92s with single turbo I've been around. There was a DD 92 special I think Penski came up with ; Silver 92s. Long life 8V or 6Vs de-tuned a bit. They did seem to have a long life.