Did you ever find the hull #? I want to see if I have competition for oldest known 42. Lookin good BTW!
Did you veneer over the existing wood? apply 1/4" teak veneer plywood? Glue used? (particularly in the salon below the side windows etc) Would love to hear all about it as it may be time to give my old girl some love in that area.
I had to pull out most of the original salon wood under the windows to bare fiberglass, as there was extensive water damage due to leaking Windows. Then relaid new marine 3/4 plywood in a bed of west system adhesive. Then I applied the veneers, they are reconstituted teak from veneer supplies dot com. I'm using Epiphanes Varnish to finish the veneers (approximately 8 coats). I'm using Titan DX as the contact cement. All veneers are 10 mill paper backed.
Got a chance to finish up installing the upper galley cabinet doors, just need a few more coats of varnish:
The nice thing about older quality boats, with some time, patience and money, you can have an almost as good as new without the expense of new.
You are doing an excellent restore! Looks beautiful. So how do the side curtains work? Are they stable or can you raise them? Or is there a blind that comes down in front of the bolster?
Beau, I made the side panels with enough clearance so that I can add roller blinds behind them and they are functional. If I come to a time when I will need to remove, I will take some close up pics. I eventually want to add motors to them so that I can add the shades to the boat automation system I developed.
Especially money. Before and after pictures. Before is 1994, about 1 year after we bought the boat. After is 2016. I hated to remove all the trim but now I don't miss it at all. Only the swim platform, covering boards, speaker box and toe rail remain teak. the rest is either gone for good or replaced with Star Board, seafoam color is the perfect match for this year gel coat color, which I know thanks to member Mfan, Thanks to him for the tip.
Thank you. I am pretty pleased too. I did not do the work myself and I am glad I didn't. I think it would have LOOKED like I did it myself and it looks brand new instead.
What did you do with the bow rails? I'm looking for rails. I like the look with out the rails, but I need them for the kiddos.
This is from this past weekend! The kids love being on the front deck, hard to keep them off when the boat is at dock.
That picture was taken before we were finished with the toe rail re-finish. The bow rails are back in place now. I didn't want to loose my 1-rst mate.
Me too. The Admiral won't go forward without them. The pollywog I bought the boat from left the rail, pulpit and outriggers in Delaware. Said he didn't need them.