Her hull is apparently damaged! Does somebody know when/ how did that happen? All sizes | Pelorus | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Doesn't look very damaged to me either. Looks like the whitened area same ribbed exhaust and infront the whitened area. Maybe as Lars said they were scrubbing or something?
The exhaust fumes leave a dark area, not white, and Pelorus was just painted, has been for 8 months in Willhemshaven this year. That looks like a small boat or toy crashed into the yacht and damaged the black paint.
That picture was probably taken in MB92, Barcelona (see Eclipse behind). And that may be one of the reasons why the yacht is there. They have also dismantled the moving arms of the foldable bathing platform. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time (and money) this large yachts spend every year at the yard.
I guess it's not a white fume but a mere salt condenced because of very hot diesel exhaust taken place. It looks like diesels were run at full swing.
The picture is part of his Barcelona group and was taken on August 21, 2012. She was in the marina in Barcelona in 2010 http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/boat-shows-yacht-watching/13518-yachts-barcelona-3.html#post103370
Not sure if mentioning Instagram counts as plugging another site, but MC Hammer is having the time of his life on Pelorus this week, with the WallyPower 118 tied up next to it and helicopter arrivals included.
Well I do not know if this is true or not but Pelorus has been sold again!!! www.businessinsider.com/a-chinese-billionaire-splurged-on-this-superyacht-2016-8 And according to her AIS she is back up in Germany. Possibly there for a refit for the new owner?
For her age still the design is excellent and the upkeep has been good as well. Very nice yacht all the way around.
The bridge would be same deck as the wing stations, I assume. That low would result in quite limited visibility / dead angle forward, right?