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holding tank smell

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by larry curtis, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. larry curtis

    larry curtis Guest

    what is best way to get rid of smell for holding tank?
  2. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Chemical treatment and an ozone generator.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    How do you know it's the tank?

    What kind of smell? Rotten eggs, sulfur?

    At all time or only after a flush? Is the smell outside or inside?

    How old is the boat and hoses?

    Holding tank smells doesn't mean anything without details... The tank itself rarely smell, usually it s the hoses (lifespan 5 to 10 years) thst are permeated.

    Another common issue is an air leak around the gauge openings... Especially with the cheap poly tanks that can get deformed with time if overfilled or when pumped out with a clogged vent.

    If the smell is mostly outside, and brought in thru portholes, etc... Then adding a vent charcoal filter will help. BUT they need to be replaced every couple of years or whenever the tank is full and the filter gets wet, otherwise thy clog and cause a bunch of other problems
  4. larry curtis

    larry curtis Guest

    I'll have to reply after I go check out the smell, it's on my sons boat and he is new at this, may just need pumping but you still not smell anything should you or not
  5. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Correct, you shouldn't smell anything. But the source, and the fix, depends on the details. And many people incorrectly misidentify other odors as holding tank- or head-related, when they're not.

    Some fixes are relatively easy, though. For example, if the odor mostly only happens after flushes and seems to originate outside the boat... a pump-out and a new vent filter often solves it right away.

    Be aware, there's lots of debate about whether vent filters are a good or bad idea in the first place. Leaving that aside for the time being, replacing on old (maybe clogged) filter in a system that already has a filter installed often does the trick.

  6. larry curtis

    larry curtis Guest

    how do I go about changing or unclogging the filter, is it located outside the boat by the waste cap or where
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you have a vaccuflush system, you have to have the vent filter, otherwise everytime someone flushes the head, the scent out of the vent will clear the marina.

    No, the filter is not cleanable and just needs to be replaced. Replacing it is simple, it should have 2 garden hose fittings, one on each end you simply unscrew. Make sure you install the new filter in the same direction and done. If you can reach it, it should take 2 minutes to change it and changed every 2 years.
  8. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    As J said, usually two garden hose fittings, one at each end, easy.

    To find it, trace the vent line from holding tank to toward the hull fitting (perhaps near the pump-out fitting). Should be in that path somewhere, and there should be some kind of access point most likely from the interior of the boat.

  9. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    The smell can come from each portion of the system. The toilets themselves, the pumps, the hoses, the overboard or pomp out system, the flooring in the bathroom. You can take a look at it one step at a time.
  10. CSkipR

    CSkipR Member

    Aug 16, 2008
    New Smyrna Beach, Fl
    More info is requested for help. What type of toilet. Vacuflush, Electric, Hand, Saltwater or Freshwater, etc.
  11. g collis

    g collis Member

    Jul 15, 2015
    Saint Simons Island Georgia
    And all it takes is the tiniest of leaks and you got the sewer smell goin on. Many things such as a broken clamp or bad hose will cause it. So before going crazy on filters etc, which are all good tips and ideas, thoroughly check every single hose and clamp. Another source of sewer odor is you black water sump. If the boat has one it collects a lot of bad stuff from the showers and possibly the sinks. That thing can wreak of sewer odor if not maintained. Drain it, wash it with hot soap and water, pump, flush, repeat. About once a week I pour a cup or so of Mr. Clean down my shower drain. Keeps things smelling fresh in the bilge. Also pour half a gallon in the bilges after I have cleaned them.
  12. ksbguy

    ksbguy Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Zaal Noflex Digestor - awesome stuff.

    It will clean the tanks, lines and dissolve any accumulated waste in the tank.

    I started using it a couple of months ago and have absolutely no smell even when pumping out tanks.

    For many years I used aqua kem and that's just perfume. I had to use carbon vent filters and replace every year which I no longer use.

    The other thing the Noflex did for me was make my tank sending units work again which hadn't worked in ages. If you have permeated hoses you can dissolve some of this stuff in water, wipe the outside of the hose with the solution and it will get rid of the smell without the need to replace the hose.

    Everyone should be using this stuff it's so good!

    You can read about it here. In the US I'm getting it from fisheries supply.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  13. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    FWIW, that's not a universal outcome. Possibly works well if a sender float is stuck because of fecal matter or other solids, but it didn't do squat for our sender after it had become clogged with uric scale. (This over about 6 months of treatment, specifically to see if Noflex would help. I eventually replaced it with a new sender, cleaned the old one and added it to my spares.)

    OTOH, removing a sender, soaking it in something like muriatic acid to remove the scale, and replacing it in the holding tank can be easy enough, depending on access.

  14. Dave Stranks

    Dave Stranks Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Coal Harbor Vancouver
    Yes the Noflex will not break down Uric scale but it works great with smell and sludge and your right only 50 % of the time it will free up the floats .

    You need a different chemistry for uric scale

    Non Foaming, Vacuum Toilet Bowl Cleaner and Scale Remover



    It is suitable for use in all Vacuum sanitary and Sewage Treatment Systems and can be used with common materials such as stainless steel, steel, copper, PVC, polyethylene and polypropylene.

    Toilet bowl cleaner is made with a uric scale removing formula to prevent buildup within the vacuum lines with low foaming surfactants and additional anti foaming additives to prevent, any foaming in the lines at the vacuum pump( cavitation ) and foaming on final over board discharge .

    Deep cleaning action of the product for toilet bowls, urinals and surrounding areas eliminates the source of unpleasant odors and provides an improved working environment

    As the gel formula sticks to porcelain surfaces and extends contact time for greater cleaning of the hard surfaces and when flushed the gel sticks to irregular surface areas in the pipe to soften and dissolve scale.

    Product packaged in retail consumer commodity for ease of use and for non-regulated shipping.

    Squirt into the toilet and under the toilet rim, sufficient to coat the area to be cleaned. Leave to soak for several minutes. If needed, scrub with toilet brush. Flush.


    If you are using

    Noflex Digestor.

    Stop use of the Noflex the day before and then a day after cleaning toilet.

    This product will neutralize the Noflex adding it earlier would be a waste of money.

    For larger commercial Noflex auto injection systems volumes treated in piping systems will neutralize any effects before MDS


    [e-mail deleted]

    for any other questions

    12 x 710 ml

    Product Code FI- ZAA-00-070

    Tie high 10 x 5

    Skid 50 cases

    Upc 25913 90301

    Case weight 9 KG

    Case dimensions

    L W D cm

    HS CODE: 3402.20.90.50


    Air regulated under hazardous goods.

    Ground and Sea -----Exempt

    “Limited Quantities” “Consumer Commodity”

    Master case marked with appropriate markings worldwide ----- SDS 16 sections

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  15. ksbguy

    ksbguy Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Regardless of it it frees up the tanks senders or not that's really a bonus. The real benefit of this is that there is zero smell if used properly. When I pump out the thanks now I can't smell anything at all and prior to using this product with other products I tried there was always some sort of smell.

    We're in the middle of a hot summer here now and one of our tanks is under our aft stateroom bed along with most of the plumbing and the vacu-flush system. This is the first time in five years with this boat that there hasn't been some sort of smell in the aft stateroom so for me it has worked wonders.

    I also noticed that I can go a bit longer between pump outs because I think it has dissolved a lot of the solids in the tanks and freed up volume.
  16. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    FWIW, I can't tell from reading if that's always attributable to Noflex or not. Our own experience is that we had no head odors before trying Noflex... and we have no head odors after trying Noflex. Ditto with Raritan's KO.

    OTOH, I know there are a bazillion different sources of odors on boats, including loose fittings at the holding tank or along the connecting lines. In a situation like that, presumably many "products" can have some impact even if the real fix is about tightening a fitting or some such.

  17. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Galley Waste.jpg
    Imagine how this thing smells. That is fat from the galley waste water
  18. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Stagnant bilge water can be stinky too. Not as bad as that home made lard though.
  19. FIQ

    FIQ Member

    Feb 19, 2016
    Olympia, Wa
    Tell you something else that stinks.
    My chain locker is located just behind the headboard of the guest stateroom!
    The little critters and such in saltwater die then starts getting a tad smelly!

    I've already laid out the anchor chain on the dock and hosed it off.

    Think l'll install a washdown station by the windlass!
  20. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Does your chain locker drain overboard? If so a washdown of the whole lot works especially if you can do it with fresh water and have washed most of the crud off while hauling it in
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016