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Kohler 1980s 7.5 heat exchanger

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by MysticDolphin, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. MysticDolphin

    MysticDolphin Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Lake Texoma
    I read some post from 2011 on replacing the manifold end cap, (heat exchanger) unfortunately the thread was hijacked and there was no solution. After alot of research, the part does not exist anymore. I have found a couple of machine shops that can duplicate the part, however, the one shop said there is carbon on the inside the cast iron box which has a divider in it... he wanted to know if it had any electrical charge in the area or mainly concerned about why it was coated in carbon as the piece he will make will be made out of black iron. I was thinking the coating was for corrosion from salt water going thru heat exchanger.. just want to be sure... thought of upgrading .. but it still runs so well..241278 is the model number oddly when i put in this number, it references the part i need.. it is about 5 " by 5 " and little over an inch deep with a divider in the middle.. all i need to know.. does the inside of the new machined piece need to be coated.. or is it ok to leave it raw metal.
  2. gbarger

    gbarger New Member

    May 16, 2012
    Call the people at this link in Little Rock Arkansas. They will know the answer to your questions. They have been in business since before 1980 and have a large inventory of parts, not saying they have the cap(maybe), but they will have the answers to your question.

    Address: 5703 Baseline Rd, Little Rock, AR 72209
    Phone (501) 565-0009
  3. Robertoman

    Robertoman Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    San Diego
    To answer your question, the inside does not have to be coated. Brand new they were raw castings. I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything to have it powdercoated.
  4. MysticDolphin

    MysticDolphin Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Lake Texoma
    thank you for reply... others have told me the same thing... so i will be installing my new machined end cap.. guess my new issue will be ... there is a flange with a tube that goes inside the heat exchanger, i assume it is to force the fluid to the back of the chamber and cycle the hot water forward and back out of the heat exchanger... this tube was not there when the cap was taken off.. i suppose it was removed by previous owner/mechanic, dont know why.. seemed to run fine without it... any thoughts about this... finding this part will be impossible.. i only know about it by looking at the engine schematics..