Yo Ho.... Due to things beyond control My 46 will not likely get put in the water this year. Not very happy about that but have to work to pay for it . The boat was winterized in Oct 15 and I have only rolled the engines over once about a month ago. I Wonder if thats all they need or if I should start them. I was thinking of removing the sea water pump impellers and running them , . Not sure if the lack of water on the exaust output side will over heat the pipes and now that I think of it , I am wondering if the turbos are part of the raw water system or the closed system. Guess I have lots to learn. Any comments or suggestions I would greatly appreaciate , hope you guys are all ready for a great season on your Posts. I think I may have fallen in love with mine.... Rgds...hugh
Removing the impellers is good if your going to run them dry. How long you run them will determine what else needs to be done. I am in a yard where gensets are regularly run out of the water at full load so anything is possible.
Thank you sir , I Wonder what other steps could be taken , I would think with the impellers out The winter coolant in the Raw water side would remain there and not have to be re added. What other tricks could you share , was thinking I would run them up each for a min or 2 every other month , if this would be good for them. By next season my fuel will be 18 months old , it was treated , I Wonder if more treatment would be necessary.
All that was done to winterize was to run collant through the wet side till it came out of the exhaust. I am used to gas engines that can be fogged , was there more I should have done , I did cover the air intakes and shut the emg stop flap just to try to keep the flow of air out of the engine.
Expanding exhaust pressure may disturb any settled antifreeze in the raw systems even if run for just a few seconds. Plan on pumping coolant/antifreeze back down the system. You are not going to bring anything up to temperature. No exhaust discharge protection with out raw water flowing. If you insist on running them, I suggest several water hoses dumping into the strainer (sea cock closed) and run normally protecting the exhaust system. Then re-winterize.
Yes but I am still at sea so I guess thats a bit of the battle won. She is not easy like my old 290 Sea Ray , but then again I knew she would not be. And I will have water access so may gear up something to keep a hose running while they are fired up. I appreaciate the info. I will look at putting more fuel treatment in as well.
I wouldn't. Just wouldn't. I'd make sure it was correctly winterized, double and triple check and leave it alone. Just seems to me that any scheme involving starting the engines has very little benefit and more risks than benefits. It doesn't appreciably change the fact they're sitting unused and sitting two years isn't a death knell by any means.
I Wonder if there is anyway to fog a diesel , I have yet to hear of it , or if Rolling them over a turn every month would be of any benifit ?
Hand rolling them may squirt some fuel into the cylinder. Washing away any oil still on the rings. Unless you ran them dry, this could be counter productive. If it was mine, let them sit. It bugs the heck out of me when my engines sit for weeks. I can understand it's probably a buz in the back of your mind looking at two years. Just pouring in fuel treatment without it circulating may be a lost cause also. Do you have plastic fuel tanks? I'm sorry to keep the negatives coming. Now, ship your ship south and we can warm it up for you and run her often.......
My plan will be to head South with her at some point , think I would like to winter in the southern Islands. beautiful boating here in Nova Scotia , but its a short season....
If you haven't seen this set up yet here is a link to it. http://www.groco.net/seacocks.htm. Groco has a combination flush and emergency pump out valve that lets you idle the engine with dock water and pump in antifreeze for winterization. Go to the site and click on the Engine Flush Kits. They have a pluming diagram there as well. It is not inexpensive but it does offer a lot of utility. David
What size hose do you have? I have a set of 2 1/2" SSC-2500's that have never been used, I can sell you for half of what new ones are going for? Still in the boxes. Let me know.