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my post seems harder to turn at high RPMS? or am I nuts????

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by Rover1, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    Splashed my 1980 post it has 671 ti. noticed right before it went back into the water that the gauge for the Sea Star read 19 almost 20psi. So I brought it up to about 25psi. splashed the boat took it into the river to see if she would spin up. had the RPMS at around 2150. In Shark River where I keep the boat we have a sharp turn in the back of the river. As I came around the turn thats when I noticed I really had to pull on the wheel to make the turn almost ran out of the channel. Ive also never tried a hard turn at that high of rpms. came back to the dock and found a paper with a few notes on it. I wrote that in November when I pulled the boat I had about 19psi in the steering. I rarely ever try to turn so sharp with the boat when im powering along with it. it will turn to avoid hitting anything, as if someone on a jet ski ran across my path, but it wont corner. My question is does anyone else have a hard time steering it into a hard turn when running fast or im I just nuts in thinking a 42ft boat can turn that esay on full plan. I've not had this boat very long, also never had a boat with as much torque. use to have a 34ft Silverton that had gas motors.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Give us a lil more info on some other things; Physically hard to steer the steering wheel or just took more turns to make the turn?
    Were your trim tabs down?
    Heavy by the bow?
    A few psi in the Hynautic system is not going to change anything.
  3. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    The wheel was just physically hard to turn it. the trim had the bow running up. I also run it bow up most of the time. sitting in the slip it will turn back and fourth no problem and at lower rpms it will turn no problem. I;m wondering if im making more out of this then it is. Either its fine and the steering is operating fine or maybe I need to bleed the system? thats why i'm wondering if anyone else has ever tried making hard turns on plane.
  4. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)
    I have the Hynautic system too on my 1981 Post 46, and can steer with one finger from zero to max speed, so it isn't normal.

    But I had my troubles in the future, but nothing 'speed' related.

    Hope you find the problem!
  5. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    That's what I was scared of. P46-curaçao! Had a feeling I wasn't going nuts
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Did anybody notice any rudder post play during your purchase survey or while on da hill?
    Any pictures of the rudders?

    Two thoughts, The rudder post are worn and binding or somebody has messed with the rudder design.

    I remember recently some Post Kids talking about rudders and a later style may have been available.
    Not correcting your problem, but at least they can offer what an original rudder looks like and compare with your pictures you hopefully have.

    Post Kids are cool,
    71s rule.

  7. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    As far as I could see on land they looked normal. When I had the survey done it was done by a guy who owns a post so they passed that part. Went to the boat today and played with the wheel everything is operating as it should. Wondering if I should bleed the lines? I Am going to try and figure out how to post pictures. So everyone can see. I'm bad with computers. still trying to figure out how to fix my profile photo.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Hard to steer in both directions?
    I don't think the internal valves can do this, but if it only messes up in one direction and not the other could be a symptom to follow.
    Bleeding the system not going to do anything for you (IMO).

    I suspect something binding.
  9. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    any chance there is a bottom conditions? bent rudder? something fouled on rudder?
  10. P46-Curaçao

    P46-Curaçao Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    Curaçao (CW), Hollywood (FL) and Amsterdam (NL)
    Rover1, upload a picture is not so difficult, see below on the right, is says 'Upload a File', select the picture on your computer or attached camera, and open it!

    Bleeding won't help with your problem, that's for sure, but what Ralph says, the rudder posts could be rotten or flexing, I have them renewed with massive aluminium plates...
  11. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    Was hoping it would be as esay as just bleeding the lines but with boats that's never the case, there is something going on down there under that deck. I'm going to take it for another test drive either tomorrow or Saturday and have someone drive it as I stick my head down there to see what's going on. Really would hate to have to pull her out to figure this out. But we'll see.
  12. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    . My question is does anyone else have a hard time steering it into a hard turn when running fast or im I just nuts in thinking a 42ft boat can turn that esay on full plan.

    My wheel turns by fingertip pressure at any RPM. Yours is fine a low RPM, but tight at High RPM? Sounds rudder related
  13. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    unless they are off by a hair? or something big hit them floating by while it was in the slip? Its docked in a place that has a very fast currant. cause on land they are straight. under the decks everything seems to be in fine working order. the post for the rudders are clean and the push arms are fine also. in the slip it turns left and right no problems. Its driving me nuts. Im hoping this weekend to have some time out on the water were I can have a few diffrant eyes on it so I can come up with a hopeful solution on whats going on.
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Bring extra folks and have tools handy to disconnect one rudder at a time.
    I'm thinking the water pressure (forward motion, aft pressure) is causing a rudder to bind in its log or if the rudder is to high, against the hull.
    Was there any out of water pics from the last haul or survey? Any records of any rudder/log work/service/repairs?
    Heck, it could be trash caught in the wrong place.
  15. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    I wish I could post a photo of it from my phone. I'm down at the boat now. Rainy and soaking wet. But I'm drafting a few folks in the morning into service on my rudder test drive
  16. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Can you significantly move either of the rudder posts inside the boat? It only takes one to bind, but could be as simple as trailing junk as suggested.

    Carl, can you help "right: that avatar? Thanks
  17. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Kinda like it that way till we get his rudder problem straight.
  18. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    Ok so took about 4 people out on the boat today. At first it seemed as if the problem was there at again at 2150 Rpms. Today everything functioned as it should have Something could have been stuck on the rudder and then freed its self. Cause when it started to respond normally someone thought they saw something come out from under the boat. looked almost like a big black garbage bag. Well see on the next trip.
  19. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    I'm glad it worked out.

    I always check simplest first.
  20. Rover1

    Rover1 Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Shark River NJ
    Onto the next problem. Left the boat came back After some lunch and the whole head bed room and part of the galley are flooded with water! Tought to myself well here we go but thank the gods of boating, That was just a old hose to the head that was dryed out and cracked! 16.00 dollar hose and about 50 worth of paper towel latee alls well. But the rest of the day will be devoted to now drying out the boat. (I think I'll go home tonight) enought fun on the water for me!