If they're the stainless impeller ones they used on previous 12v183's and 8v183's I've never had luck finding an aftermarket source for them. Rebuild cost on them was something like $3k last time I had one rebuilt (at least 5 years ago) and new was somewhere around $6500. Rarely did I ever have one of those raw water pumps fail. But when they did they were expensive!!!
I have just been told about another source for OEM Parts and I am interested to see what they can offer if I can find the right part number.
Man does that bite. Wonder how long that proprietary license can hold out. Meanwhile, MTU owners bend over again.
So, we are in the same boat. We have both pumps leaking and looking at 5k+ for new ones. This is not the first time, I believe the pumps are only a couple of years old. Of course MTU says no rebuilding, must buy new. I will end up doing this, but keep the old ones to see if I can find a place to rebuild. Any help where to get parts or have done, would be helpful.
Yacht Captain, have you tried talking to RPM diesel? I know over the years they've rebuilt several different items in house and some things everyone else says can't.
I have today written to the guy whose name I was given with the info above about the pump, he said he would get back to me. The guy who gave me the contact said he bought a fuel pump for a 4000 series engine and saved 5k on that alone. I will revert as soon as I get an answer.
I am still trying. Next option is to have a seal company match or make them. Have not gone that far yet.
i buy my seal and bearing at german diesel part and it's ok to day. you can found stuff also on http://www.made-in-china.com/produc...it&order=0&isOpenCorrection=1&word=+mtu+parts
I wrote to that guy who responded quite quickly, subsequent e mail have gone unanswered. Chinese MTU Parts are not worth the risk, the Russians tried copying a 396 engine years ago with very poor results
This is a good thread for MTU owners. I have a pair of 8v and getting information on these engines is at a premium. Any additional thread recommendations is appreciated. I was surprised how little was on boatdiesel.com