Goldenport is selling 6 of it's 8 freighters for $1 each. Hurry and get them while you can!
I too read about it this morning. The global shipping market really is in the toilet at the moment. A slow down in China and fuel prices rock-bottom, raw material prices bouncing along the baseline. Not looking good.
Here in the U.S., whenever fuel prices are down so are all your scrap metal prices such as scrap aluminum, copper, steel, etc.
I bet, this "Panama Papers" will get one or the other shipping company in even more trouble. And specialized ship operators with only one field of operation like bulker or crude oil transport only are in real trouble at the moment. But with deversived operation and sufficient amount of multi purpose ships, one can survive. I still see "black figures" in my books . The biggest problem of most ship operators at the moment is the far to low equity-to-assets ratio. There are many shipping companies in business, that are of zero net worth. As an hanseatic merchant I have learned, profit is the result of performance and not to be taken from substance. "navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse, sed sine vita non navigamus"
If only we could find such a company to run our local ferry life-line. Condor was a local, family run business that was profitable and trustworthy. Now we are stuck with a trimaran that can only run in flat calm seas and keeps breaking down. The ship was basically dumped on us for £50mil as no one else in the world wanted the bloody thing. I can see why!
Shipping through the St. Lawrence Seaway is slow this year. Two Canadian shipping companies Algoma Shipping and Canada Steamship have only one third of their boats out this year. Lower Lakes Shipping looks like it may close. Algoma and CSL have built twelve new boats over the past four years in China and getting ready to scrap the old ones, but scrap steel is at an all time low so they will hold on to them foe awhile.
Only surprise here is why they are not offering you twenty bucks to take these boats off their hands... Gotta go back 30 years to visit numbers such as these.