Persistence....perseverance...however you wish to term it, Carl, you might wish to consider a new subset/sub-section in YF for thems who take on projects that, to the mere mortals amongst us, might prove daunting. My case in point, and I'm sure there are many others in this Forum, is the 12-page Duffy thread by Norseman. Not only entertaining (Twelve pages!) but a tribute to a) what a determined individual can do/share with the rest of us b) provide a blueprint for How To Get Things Done c) prove that it ain't exactly rocket science to fix a boat d) might even, as some suggested in the thread, provide a business model for a youngster, i.e., 'Fix Your Duffy', seeing as how the Stuart office and CA are "kinda helpful", but, let's face it, leave folks such as Older Boater not exactly in expectation of a Lexus experience, service-wise. FLL alone might provide an income for such a company (and entice Older Boater-types to consider a purchase as service is no longer an issue). Look at how cool Tesla has become. Seems to me the weirdnesses of the Duffy could be fixed with new/modern off-the-shelf stuff not requiring the magic wand of some corporate poobah.. Electric ain't going away, esp. given the VW Diesel debacle. Call me a pessimist on our economy, but I see a hard rain a-fallin' in the next 12 months. There being a lot of old iron out there (not just Duffy), but given a generous amount of smarts on hand within these Forums to advise/rehab/refurbish, especially for the "demographically-challenged" (i.e., poor) generations, a 'How To Fix___" section might get you additional traffic. And additional banners? My $.02 p.s.: I only found Norseman's Duffy thread by noodling around due to too much time on my hands.
Norseman has moved on from the Duffy though. He's probably playing around in the Bahamas or something with his new boat. He was after an older Albin but all of those turned out to have major issues. So he's got a great new Glacier Bay.