i'm the new owner of a french guy couach 2200 fly with mtu engine 12V2000 . and in france we have taxes on the engine. it cost me 13000 euros PER YEAR; a crazy price !!. what about you in usa or other places. you have taxes also on the yacht boat? i live in my boat, so i have all my money spend for my boat. i will not be able to have something else
I always like Guy Couach. In Malta if you are a private owner doing your own business you do not pay taxes on boat, only a 200 EURO registration. Goes like that fom 8 up 23.99 meters. Enjoy. Yachts turn around so much money that its stupid to tax them IMO.
i'm a private owner and i live on my boat. work on my boat. i'm ready to move to malta . because here they are crazy .
There are no federal taxes annual on boats here in the US but a few states do charge a property taxes. Most don't... So usually the answer is no taxes. No annual registration fees either at the national level but usually we pay an annual state registratipm which again vary by state but rarely exceed a couple of hundred dollars... An again again sales tax (your TVA ) varies by state from 0 to 6 or 7%... Not 18 or 20%? Europe, and especially France, is paying the price of 40 years of social warfare and socialist policies...
I do agree 100 % with Liam, Malta is THE easiest, owner friendliest flagstate for private yachts in Europe. And if you have paid the VAT in France already and as long as you do not charter away, you are free to maneuver and stay with your yacht anywhere in the EU (besides France of course) without paying anymore luxury taxes. As Liam says, with yachts below 23,99 Meters, the flag change is a piece of cake. Having the berth in Italy or Spain may have one or the other trap incorporated (having income in that countries or owning property there) but the Malta Flag is not only looking far better than the drapeau tricolore or the ensign , it is the best choice.
No taxes here......Egypt. Only about EUR 400 a year to renew the local navigation permit. Your tax rates are crazy Frenchman.
you are right ,here it 's absolutely crazy. socialist hate luxury in france. it's make me mad. i really think to go somewhere else.
That's why I left France in the early 80s... Here I could call myself a political refugee just like the Cubans except that socialism has been here too for 7 years now
Property taxes are a practical abolition of the fundamental right, right of ownership. Suddenly, you don't get that right with the ownership itself, you have to keep paying for it. For people who are okay with the concept it's good to pay those. For people who don't like it, it's a betrayal of ideals.