Yes, it's old. It's a 1928 Camper & Nicholson, but its been replated, has new machinery and the condition looks outstanding. Take a look... http://www.**************/core/list...&units=Feet&checked_boats=1462224&slim=quick&
She is a very nice yacht and among her seven names, Deo Juvante II makes her even more interesting as she was then belonging to Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco. Said to be his wedding present to Grace Kelly...
LOL! If I bought that boat, you'de never see me on YachtForums again. I'd be working my butt off! Curiosity got the best of me, so I called Joe Bartram on it. As expected, it's a real project. Still, it would be a worthwhile restoration. Pass the sandpaper please...
I believe that is "Zein", lying at Lauderdale Marine Center. Forget the sandpaper and pass the needlegun for some serious rust removal! Beautiful lines and classic yacht, great for someone who wants to restore a classic. Dave
Hi Dave and welcome aboard, Yes, this is Zein and you're right... 50 grit won't do! Got a close-up two weeks ago. Zein looks much better from the distance.
Registration? This yacht flies the Cayman Flag. This vessel was used for Short Cruises in Jamaica at (I think) Hedonism Resorts. I found some photos of nudity in the Pilothouse, Upper Deck, etc. Just do a search in google for Yacht-Zein. I dont think Carl would be too happy with me if I posted the nudist photos!!!!
147' 1928 Camper & Nicholsons ZEIN Most are aboard; all +/-90 sheets are available in UK archives. More details at: www.**************/pmf
Yes I had spotted these thanks. I was wondering if any of you had a better definition of them and bigger size but thanks anyway. Do you know who is the owner now ?
Back in the early 80's I bought a 110' Feadship that had not been used by it's previous owners it over two years. That boat was quite sound in very respect but the restoration was a whole lot more involved than I was counting on. The initial purchase price was a great deal, but as the problems mounted up I would have been better off commissioning a new yacht. Zein, has really nice lines for a yacht of that era, but I think you are right about working yourself to death maintaining her.
147' 1928 Camper & Nicholsons "zein" re. Paul Allen and ZEIN. The great color photos in the printed version aren't shown online, but it's an interesting "story" . Just enter ZEIN in search box@ to read "Mega-yacht man seeks superdinghy - Sunday Times - Times Online "