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Cruise the Maldive Islands

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by Ahamed Naushad, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Ahamed Naushad

    Ahamed Naushad New Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    male' port in Mlaidves islands
    The Maldives is an archipelago of about 1190 islands. These islands are grouped into 26 natural coral atolls out of which some 200 are inhabited. The white beaches, turquoise lagoons and wonderful dive sites make the Maldives one of the top tourist destinations in the world. It could be the perfect detour in your cruise itinerary.

    The Maldives Government increasingly welcomes yachts, which are seen as a valuable contribution to the tourist industry. In 2002, 75 yachts called to Maldives, but the following year it was 110, and this year up to March more than 85 yachts have called. Yachts can only clear in and out at Male’ Port. Recently yachts have been able to make unscheduled stops at Uligamu in Haa Alifu Atoll and Gan in Addu Atoll. This is excepted if the stops are short and no other islands are going to be visited. Those who intend to cruise other islands are to proceed Male’ port for inward clearance. Clearance formalities and cruising permits are a little bit complicated and time consuming so the best plan is to choose an agent.

    When an agent has been prearranged, he should be notified 48 hours before arrival of the ETA., With prearrival information which is available online

    The agent will inform all the necessary departments including coastguard, since a pilot is compulsory for vessels above 100 GT in all weather conditions. Pilots can be contacted on VHF channel 10. Position of pilot boarding ground is Latitude 04’10’00 N by Longitude: 073’32.00. The coastguard officials will board with the pilot for security clearance for vessels above 100 GT, after the security clearance customs, immigration; port health would board the vessel with your local agent for inward clearance.

    On arrival 30 days visa would be issued for all nationalities, with a visa that can be extended for another 60 days, which makes a total 90 days from the date of arrival.

    Should you require further information refer to our website and please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Ahamed Naushad
    Management Executive
  2. hasaneristi

    hasaneristi New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Marmaris, on south western Turkish meditterranean
    Maldives cruise

    Recently been to Maldives for a ten days' cruise with owners
    on board, as capt on a 140 footer. From what I experienced during this visit, I concluded that Maldives will pass as a convinient stopover for large yachts but not as a good cruising area, unless you go there basically for diving purposes.

    Maldives consist of several atolls and numerous and mostly small islands within the atolls. İslands are classified as local, resort or uninhabited; not many remaining of the last kind. Government tries to isolate locals from tourism, so you can't land on the islands where locals reside. You can't land on the "resort" islands either, unless you make arrangements in advance for a dinner etc, as the islands and the "house reef" are exclusively reserved for the use of the resort guests. Privacy seems to be a top priority for these resorts; so try getting close to one of them with jetskis / tenders and you may have coast guard boarding your vessel next, with complaints from the resort.

    Navigation demands great care, as source data of charts, except for southern part of North Male Atoll, are from 18th century. We sailed only in daytime and good visibility; though it was easy to spot atolls and large shallows, the isolated reefs were the real hazard, which you can't see. winds were mostly from NE and around 15 kts; currents mainly from east and around 2 kts, upto 4-5 kts in some passages. Swells pile up
    at the northern and eastern passages into atolls , it's best to avoid those when you can. We had cloudy weather with passing showers for most of our stay, another downside for our cruise. Asked my agent if this were the usual weather , which he replied "not at all"; maybe it was only our luck!

    Having stated my mariner's point of view, I would hate to convey a negative impression about the place. On the contrary, you have great-looking tropical islands with long sand beaches, clear waters, good resorts, nice and easy-going natives, and of course, some of the world's best diving areas. I just don't think it's suitable for crusing.
  3. MYCaptainChris

    MYCaptainChris Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2005
    Melbourne Beach FL
    must agree

    Funniliy enough while I was there (1 month over christmas and new year) I had at least a couple of weeks of overcast weather with heavy showers. I was also told that this was unusual.
    That aside the islands are gorgeous, no picture or postcard can do them justice. Every day something made me go WOW!!! As a cruising ground it really does lack the hideaways of the BVI's, greek islands etc, but if the resorts start to recognise that these yachts could be an healthy income for them, maybe we'll find some marinas of yacht friendly resorts.