Port fwd and Stbd astern will be the same clutch pack if you have counter rotating wheels and standard rotation engines.
Check cable alignment, remove cable from selector and move by hand, then check each time the cable alignment, I had that problem before, so worth to try, takes you only half an hour!
If you don't mind making that call I would really appreciate it. I used google and came up with Western Branch. They say they will try but getting parts may be a problem. Also they haven't done one in a long time so maybe he found a different place. Thanks
Bless their hearts, Western Branch is the end results of a bunch of take-overs and merges. They are the last of the Convington support line. When all the dust had settled. All spare parts (dust collectors) were tossed. They still have some stubborn techs still on, but no inventory. There still are other Capital shops out there, you will have to R&R and ship it to them before they can give an accurate price. This is not a bad thing, just CYA on their part.
If you're lucky, it's just a clutch problem. In my case, once I shipped to Marine Transmission in Florida they found it cost prohibitive to rebuild. I ended up replacing with Twin Disc. Unfortunately, I could only get one immediately. The second took 4 months. I put in the the one and had terrible noise and vibration, probably because the ratio was slightly different and I couldn't sync. No one, however, could swear there wasn't something wrong with the new gear. Thus, it took a while for me to get up the courage to install the other one. When I finally did, all the problems were solved. Moral: If you do have to install just one new gear, plan on staying close to home and going slow. Have faith that putting that second gear in will make all right with the world. Also, I later found there is a ZF gear that is a slightly closer match. It would have been a little easier doing the retrofit with that.
Perkins Truck & Diesel Marine Service 209 S. Dominion Blvd. Chesapeake, VA 23322 I sent the guy's name and phone # to you by PM
Long delay but the transmission is repaired. The forward clutch pack was burned up. The shop in Chesapeake, VA was top notch and very timely. I am so happy with how this went I am going to pull the stbd trans out in March and take it to him so both will have new clutches with the upgraded bronze discs as opposed to the old paper discs. Thank you to all for your information and assistance once again.
The timing is way off for engagement and the screw is not correcting it. I will be out of the country for a couple weeks so it will be a good time for the shop to have it and I will know I won't miss any charters this year for that particular problem.
Well if it's showing signs of issues might as well rebuild it. The other option is to do it now at the same time, that way if one is not repairable you could go with new gears. It would be a shame to rebuild one, then figure out the 2nd one is not rebuildable.....but it sounds like it should be rebuildable.
P-46, the removal was t as bad as I feared. I don't have photos. I cheated, due to my work schedule and had it done but was lucky enough to be there for most of it. Removed interference, walker airsep, air line, water pump and piping, tranny oil cooler. Then, if you have the tranny manual, it walks you through step by step removal and installation. Basically, remove shaft coupling and slide shaft back, remove selector valve from top, remove oil pump from rear (of course, drain oil). Remove mount bolts from trans, remove rear engine mount bolts, loosen forward engine mount bolts. Jack engine and block. Remove mounting bolts for transmission to oil dam. Remove side inspection plates on transmission. Work trans aft and manhandle to engine room deck. We used a "crane" to lift out of engine room and off boat. Reinstall basically in reverse. I had new lines made for it while it was out changing to fittings that make future work easier. I was nervous about the alignment procedure as I felt the boat should have been floated for at least 24 hours but the owner of the yard said "it's a Post, do it now" while it was still dry.apparently he knows his stuff, we had no vibration on sea trial or since. Hope this helps. It looked daunting but if I were going to be here when the stbd comes out next month I think I would do it myself. Hire the yard for the lifts and alignment.
Eroc, the information was sent to me by PM, so when I figure out how to do that I will message you with the exact info, I will say the shop owner told me to bring the transmission to him along with 4-5 thousand and plan on getting it back two weeks.
Rcrapps, actually, due to cleaning the tranny coolers I fixed my overheat issues and we got 29 kts out of the Mayhem!
Wow, great description of the work, I always wondered which way to go if necessary... now I know, thank you!! 29kts?? I'm also interested in your engine configuration and props?? I just finished the complete rebuild of my both engines (Detroit 6-71 TI). and just hauled the boat out this morning for new antifouling and other maintenance.
I will need to look up what wheels are on here but also have 671's. That speed was WOT and I don't like doing that very long. I am interested in learning about your engine overhaul. In the next couple years I want to do that. Our plan (dream) is to be in VA for summer and fall then cruise to FL or Bahamas for winter and would prefer fresh engines when we go. Did you pull them or have them done in place? How scary was the bottom line? Ok, got wheel info. They are Federal equi-poise super-cup propeller 24x26R2 and L2