My name is Dusty Rhodes and I am wanting to pursue my dream of living and working aboard a yacht. I was born and raised in the boat business and have captained my 51' foot Silverton on lakes and the intercostal but Im longing for the open seas.I will start at an entry level position. I will work for free if given a chance to prove my merit, dedication and worth to you as a crew member.
Don't work for free man! Some of us makes a living on boats and could loose our income whenever some bozo volunteer to do the job for nothing.
Just want an opportunity Sorry, I understand that, all Im saying is that I would take a cut in pay to get some experience if it was a full time position. I certainly wouldnt go out for a job that only lasted 6 months and work it for free...
If you want to break into the market, do like everybody else: Register with the crew agencies, get a deckhand position and work your way up.
Thank you very much for the info.Can you suggest any good agencies that I may apply with ? I applied to one some time back and paid a fee but have never heard anything back from them....
Crewagencys and dont forget to view Every big Crewagency is registered there to search for Crew in Jonathan Databases. Its free for Crew looking for work. Alex
Hi Dusty, Crew agencies are very important, sign up with several with a good resume and face to face meetings with the agents. If you just send in a resume without going in person you will end up pretty low in the stack. Next, walk the docks at the marinas and boatyards looking for daywork. The Miami boat begins Feb. 16, there is always daywork prepping boats for the show. Be ready to wash, chamois and polish. Several times I've hired a someone for a day and had them come back for several days to a month. Good luck, Dave
Reply to sailronin and Norsemans posts Don't know what it's like in your world Norseman but us (Yachties) or (Motor sailor to be precise) rely on crew's who are hitching a ride and will crew for free. Sailing globaly could be very expensive otherwise.
In my world here in Ft. Lauderdale, quite a few people earn a living from working on yachts. I have been on my knees scrubbing decks for $13,00 per hours to get yachts ready for the boat shows, and I have captained yachts for a bit more than that. If somebody offered to do my job for free, it would put me on the street. Not sure why I have to explain that again, but that is the reality around here. If somebody wants to take on a vagabond for a cheap trip around the world on a private yacht with no paid positions, go for it, I would too, but we are talking apples and oranges. (Keep in mind that the yacht owner is responsible for the freebee crew and his/her behaviour in port, and may have to pay return airfare and possible fines or whatever if something goes wrong. As in drug possesion, jail-bail, etc. Be very careful with who you take on.)
Good Call Sometimes we deliver boats for FREE like this one.You can see WHY.
Aye mate, more apples and oranges. All a'okay I s'pose, but offering to work for free on the mega-yachts we are dealing with on this forum is like waltzing into a unionized car factory in Detroit shouting and yelling across the assembly-line floor that you will take anybodys job for free as long as you can get a short-cut without earning your dues. Again, for the n'th time, if yer experience and yer self-esteem is so low that you offer yer services for free to get a foot in the door, consider a different avenue. The money guys who owns these big yachts won't have much respect for folks who volunteer to work for free...Not their style.
Apples and Oranges....... Norseman, Working in Ft Laurderdale or crewing for a sailing yacht at sea is, as you quoted apples and oranges. Dusty only offered to work for free untill he proved his worth, (in my opinion a confident man) and I can see why some people feel threatand by this As for being responsible for crew members repatriation etc, yes I am fully aware of this and (here's another spanner) all crew deposit money with me so if they step out of line we fly them out. (now they paying me) But! Norseman to offer a hand in agreement I must admit my 37,5 ft motor sailor is nor a mega yacht (or even close) and sailing her does not need the most qualified personel. Regards Ian
I have hired people in the past with little experience and paid them the standard wage while training them from the engine room up. Don't ever walk up to me and tell me you will work for free. You demean yourself and cause great harm to the fabric that is this profession. However, sailboaters will jump on you in a heart beat because we all know that sailboat owners think that because the wind is free... everything else should be. Post a Will Sail for Food sign at the local yacht club.
My point exactly. Let the free-bees paddle their own canoe, don't try to take somebody else's hard earned job for nothing.
To whom do you refer as I and any crew recruited "for free" do not and will not raid your domain.........but for the record! I do wish that perhaps a little sanity would invade that domain you reside in, as I do believe that "these so called professionals" seem to spend there lives thinking up ways and means to overcharge us (the not so rich) real boaters, so perhaps your salary needs a southerly touch to join the real world. So stop being so reactive, if your work was that good freebies wouldn't stand a chance......
If you need professional job, you have to pay. I don’t need crew for free. This is my point. Hawaii to West Coast sailboat delivery is $11000+.Do you think that is too much money for fuel,tikets,food and the crew……………..for 18 days???? I don’t think so. Dusty Rhodes,if we need crew will call you-$80-$150 per day.