same boat, pic of stern also here is a link to a video:
Looks like a bit of slamming caused the tabbing to break and the foredeck came loose. Bit of pushing about and some more mat and polyester and it will be as good as it ever was.
I didn't find anywhere where it said how many were on it in total, might have been 3 passenger and one or two crew. I would expect that if it didn't sink it has ended up on the used boat market.
You're correct that there could have been more. It does indicate however "all three boaters" and just gave me the impression that was all. They also indicated taking on water so perhaps another issue or perhaps just the spray. It seemed to be in condition to either drive in or tow in. I thought of the call to the CG as one due to the injured person, but then they took the others as well. The boat seemed to be running fine until they stopped for the CG.
I wonder if maybe they didn't hit something. There seem to be quite a bit of damage to the hull, not just the deck In any case not confidence inspiring especially as this is not the first time a silverton breaks up
I didn't see the hull damage on the video, but see it now in the photo and definitely looks like more involved. Looks like an Arizona Cardinal being welcomed by Carolina. Guess they didn't know the Cardinal is the state bird of NC.
I was thinking they hit a ship till I noticed hull scuffs on both sides of the stem back a few feet. Unless they hit a ship, spun and hit it again. To early to blame the captain but somebody messed up. Naw, not gonna do it. ,,,,yet... Wouldn't be F C (forum correct).
We read about it at the time. All I can remember just now is that it was snotty weather even before the guy left the dock, and then it got snottier... and we guessed he maybe stuffed it... -Chris
I cant explain the marks on the bow portion of the hull. If you take away the hull marks, what seem to make sense from the video and stills is that the hull and deck joint failed presumably from stuffing the bow during the conditions in the video. I think, the lack of impact damage to the bow pulpit tends to support a non collision impact. The deck appears as if it there was some upward force applied as the boat was moving forward causing it to lodge aft of its original position. It looks like the molded bow pulpit may have provided the leverage to lift the deck and fracture the deck where it meets the house and is presumably stronger. Generally, how is the hull to deck joint fabricated in a production fiberglass molded boat? is it tabbed with glass or just screwed together with self tapping screws and covered with a rub rail?
On better boats it is glassed over. On many production boats it is bolted And then you have the budget builders who just screw it with lots of caulking Not sure how Silverton did it but I doubt this was glassed
Update here...doesn't say a lot but a little more And says nothing about what became of the boat. From a marina. The majority of our liveaboards stuck around to ride out the storm while watching football aboard. Unfortunately, one of our regular summer season members suffered a major loss when having his 45′ Silverton transported from Virginia Beach to his winter home in Florida.
I want to add that on 10/2, we were in Myrtle Beach. There were advance warnings as early as 9/30, just for the wrong storm. If memory serves me correctly the storm hit on 10/3. We were in Charlotte by then but boat in Myrtle Beach. We waited until 10/6 to move and actually left Georgetown on 10/7 to head home, one day behind another captain on this site who was waiting in Charleston and left Charleston on 10/6. When he had no problems we followed a day behind. The warnings were there. It was a boat that I would have not taken out, not one meant for rough seas. It worked out poorly.
Lame media. All the news read exactly the same and no follow up. Heck, we saw the boat making way in the CG video. Those low pictures were taken by another boat, Probably the towboat. Unless it was not worth the salvage and left it out there.
What is even more stupid is that on the east coast there is something called the ICW! No need to run outside if the weather is rough
Well, the link I posted said nothing about what became of the boat but did have follow up to say all the crew was ok now. It also gave the mindset of some in Virginia Beach at the time and they were well north of this. I just looked back in our logs. On October 1 we were going to go from Bald Head Island to Myrtle Beach. We did something, we never do. We went via the ICW. We were in an 85' boat and chose to play it safe and stay inside. I'd like to know more but don't think we ever will.
I can't imagine that happening as a result of stuffing the bow. I owned a 1986 Silverton 40 convertible for 10 years and ran buzzards bay many times in conditions much worse than what appeared in the video. It looks like the pulpit hit something hard enough to push the whole foredeck backward after fracturing. It's also off center, but still intact. I've stuffed the bow on my Silverton, and anyone that knows Buzzards Bay Ma knows its possible 50% of most days in the summer, more than a few times and while the boat did shudder pretty good a few times there was never damage. I'd be very interested in hearing what really happened.