I agree. Also a very interesting place for it to catch fire. 1/4 mile outside of a crowded marina and close to shore.....swimming distance actually.
Maybe some one cut her loose from the pier to keep the fire from spreading. I hate seeing boats burn.
I saw that on Seatow Puerto Rico's facebook page. It looks like they have been keeping pretty busy these days. From the pictures there it looks like they were able to tow the burning vessel out of the marina to avoid the spread of damage
One would think they could've put the fire out in the time it took to unhook the lines/shorepower, hook up to it, and tow it out. In that pic no flames or smoke are visible even at the front of the house.
The size of this marina, you can not get enough assets down the docks to put it out quickly or before it spreads. I see dock lines dragging and probably (not seen) a power cord. When I was towing, we often talked about situations like this. ' Thankfully, never had to preform this drill.
Boat US / Seaworthy have compiled lots of data in this field. Checking with the Boat US site I found; 1) AC and DC wiring/appliance - 55% 2) Engine/Transmission Overheat - 24% 3) Fuel Leak - 8% 4) Miscellaneous - 7% 5) Unknown - 5% 6) Stove - 1%
In my experience and views in many bilges, it is truly amazing more small (private owned) craft do not burn up daily. Thru the years, I have walked off a few boats that were to dangerous to work on. Most electrical (and gas) issues were from do-it-yourself (DIY) issues. Sadly, my work has followed other yards. Amazing corners some cut and not a thought it is life threatening; DIY and supposed proper yards.. I will never be a rich man doing what we do. If my liver and kidneys hold up, I'll be a un-burnt old man (with bad back) if I can ever retire.
On most private small craft, factory wire is fare at best when new. It is assembled under a budget. Modification the the factory harness or abuse to it will cause problems. Two/three owners (10 years?) later, technology has changed several fold. Electronics have been replaced many times. The sanitation system has been re-worked or patched. Battery systems and chargers have been replaced/installed on a budget by the DIYr. New cook top, household water heater installed, household lights and switches (and solid wire).. Oh, my faverate, the alternator or starter from the corner auto parts store doesn't work,,, Dahh..
Yes And from some smart thinking people, was removed quickly from the marina. The size and compactness of that marina and lots others reminds me of a can of sardines. Heroes kept that fire from spreading like a flash/wild fire.