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Yacht Pics from Drones...

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForums, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The difference between drones and RC aircraft is relatively straight forward. RC aircraft must be operated within line of sight, whereas drones can be operated more remotely, via a video downlink coupled with stability control systems that allows operation far beyond visual reference.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Marmot may have the big issue down to a line. Curious admirer viewing from his kayak vs taking pictures for publishing , profit, or mayhem. Even when we try to get away, they could still be there. It may not be polite, correct or in good manners and sadly, our laws does not cover good manners.
    My red-neck attitude may (may) have to recognize this some day.
    The admirer I usually wave to. However, if that kayaker is taking picture, I will have concerns. We may never know that kayaker's intentions at that time and I would prefer to be defensive.

    Humm, paint balls,,,,

    Splat,, splat,,splat

    Somehow just doesn't have that,, that,, report..
  3. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Do you really want me to resort to tribal behavior? Can we agree that my wife's naked body on the sole of my cockpit at a lonely anchor is off limits?
  4. Blue Ghost

    Blue Ghost Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    The Regina systen in the Spinward Marches
    Resort if you must, because we will not agree. Tell your wife to cover up if you don't want me and the world looking at her goodies.
  5. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Look but don't touch is the only rule that applies. The "drone" driver has as much right to hover nearby as she does to enjoy the sunshine.

    We have to be careful about what we ask for, we don't gain more rights by taking some from others.
  6. ychtcptn

    ychtcptn Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    Lighthouse Point, FL
    I think this thread needs to renamed, 4 pages and only 2 videos!
  7. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    No, we just need more people to submit videos that show what "drones" can bring to the visual enjoyment of yachting. There are probably enough available to overload the server should the owners decide to make them public.

    I was recently on a large yacht in Turkey that used a multi-rotor to provide charter guests with videos of their experience onboard from a unique perspective. The up side of this technology in this industry is amazing.
  8. German Yachting

    German Yachting Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    West Coast
    My quad just came in last night. San Diego isnt the most abundant location of mega yachts but I'll give it a go at some point.
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Looking forward to it! The DJI Phantom III is a great platform. If I was "all-in", I'd opt for the Inspire, but I'm not in the position to commit the resources. While competing at the OHB Speed Cup in November, I had a chance to fly an Immersion Vortex 250 Quad with FatShark Dominator HD goggles. The 250 class of quads is for racing, but you can still mount a GoPro to it. I'm very intrigued by FPV, but time doesn't permit immersion. Pun intended.
  10. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    We have to be careful about what we ask for, we don't gain more rights by taking some from others

    But that assumes I have no rights, My position is that I do have limited rights. Privacy is more than a courtesy. Let's change the hypothetical, Suppose I point a commercially available parabolic listening device at you while you're on your phone - can the drone or kayaker do that too? Am I suppose to hang up because he has some larger individual right to snoop? I'm beginning to understand my views on privacy may have become quaint. No wonder there's been so little push back on gov't intrusion (but that's a whole other thread. I'll have to find another to hijack)

    As to going into my cabin - suppose that drone wants to hover outside my window looking in? Unlikely conduct I would hope - but is that my only resource - Hope?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  11. Blue Ghost

    Blue Ghost Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    The Regina systen in the Spinward Marches
    Look, you're assuming you have some kind of sovereignty everywhere you go, and you don't. Have you ever had to fight for a seat on the bus? Ever had someone swipe your parking space at the grocery store or mall? Have you ever watched fireworks at a park and bumped shoulders , arms, legs or feet with someone sitting next to you?

    No offense, but let's get real here. Public spaces are not our personal houses.

    Personally, I think drones are interesting, and when I was studying aerospace it was my hope to be part of a design team that used drone like architecture for rescue aircraft. The USAF actually experimented with current drone design back in the 50s, but there weren't any microcomputers to make the corrections to keep such a vehicle aloft. Moller international is developing a flying car that used drone-like design parameters. If you think your privacy is violated now, then wait until flying cars get here in a decade or so.

    But now I'm digressing beyond yachts and drones.

    Yachts and drones; love 'em both. And I love the yacht footage on YouTube that before required a fully loaded helo with a camera man and full sized camera. Great stuff.
  12. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Look, you're assuming you have some kind of sovereignty everywhere you go, and you don't. The U.S. laws as they exit today say that I do carry certain rights with me. For instance you can accidently bump into me, but you can't deliberately shove me.

    Ever had someone swipe your parking space at the grocery store or mall? Not talking about the public parking space (water surface), I'm talking about the private interior/exterior of my car (boat).

    BTW, I am a fan of drones too. I have no animus toward the technology.

    Anyway, we about beat this discussion to a pulp. Where are those photos
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  13. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
  14. German Yachting

    German Yachting Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    West Coast
    I will be a little hesitant taking it out at first over the water. It's also hard to determine which airports I will need to contact so that I can fly. Technically speaking, it is pretty difficult to fly in San Diego as many buildings have heliports that technically require notice.
  15. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL

    The firts vids on the other post were real nice and pretty. No close ups of people trying to have any private moments.
    Vids like this is a good example of the art work available thru these devices.

    That first vid I thought was awesome and in real good taste. The only close encounter was the host boat.

    I'm afraid some think I am complaining about work like this; Not.

    Close encounters with a camera pointed at us personally is my greatest concern.
    Just think anti peeping Tom and that would cover a lot of my concerns.

    I would hope the Drone/camera fans here would agree, they would not want their personal times captured by a strangers camera.
  16. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA, my science teacher in high school said we would all be driving flying cars. That was in 1974.
  17. German Yachting

    German Yachting Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    West Coast
    For me personally, I'm more going for shots like that. I have no interest in anything but the boat itself.
  18. Blue Ghost

    Blue Ghost Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    The Regina systen in the Spinward Marches

    Dude's been at it for a few years, but he's got a solid design.

    Back on topic; my favorite footage is a drone flying over the salvage of the Costa Concordia as she was being raised. It was early evening or late afternoon, and some guy had his drone fly all over her and the salvage vessels. Great stuff, but I can't seem to find it on YouTube anymore.
  19. Blue Ghost

    Blue Ghost Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    The Regina systen in the Spinward Marches
    You actually are talking about a public parking space, only it's out in the water, nested in some cove between two rock/land formations.

    If your hottie wife is stripped naked and sunning herself on the deck, and my drone happens along, well, you better hope I don't have the urge to upload whatever footage I grab. Them's the breaks.

    I still don't get the recent fascination with drones. The technology has been around for a while now, but it seems like it's experienced a boom in the last few years. That I don't get. It's like there's this swell in both interest and awareness for something that's been around for quite a while.
  20. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Private exterior?